Any healthcare profesional can contact UR-CARE at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to start the process of joining UR-CARE.
After completing necessary legal steps, the centre can access to UR-CARE database for the improvement of daily clinical care and research.
Individual centres can join UR-CARE as independent institutions.
Study groups that are already established are highly encouraged to join with all their centres to UR-CARE.
No, it is not necessary to be an ECCO Member to use UR-CARE for the improvement of daily clinical care and/or studies.
No synchronisation with an existing database is not possible.
It is not the aim of UR-CARE to create competition with national registries. UR-CARE has the potential to be the biggest IBD digital database available today and to be a powerful resource for individual health care professionals as well as national IBD Study Groups.
As explained above, there will be the possibility for the national study groups and permanently established retrospective study groups conduct retrospective studies with their data autonomously.
Detailed information can be found here.
The individual centres remain the controllers of the data they enter in UR-CARE (upon patient's consent) and only the centre has full access to their patient information which are defined as follows:
For research purposes, pseudonymised patient data; the Patient ID created by UR-CARE, general information along with the medical data relevant to IBD is accessible to the Study Coordinators.
IBDIM is UR-CARE data processor. IBDIM contracts Persei to provide clinical research management expertise and to facilitate the regulatory process for individual centres and study groups in accessing the database. IBDIM / Persei will neither be able to see individual patient health records nor be able to use UR-CARE beyond the purposes of the project.
UR-CARE database has established privacy and confidentiality mechanisms to ensure that the personal data and themedical data of the patients are stored safely in two different datasets and both isolated from your hospital.
These datasets can only be combined by another enciphered algorithm and enciphered key, which are also stored separately.
UR-CARE is a database which complies with EU data protection and privacy law. The IT security processes are certified and regularly audited.
UR-CARE is offered by IBDIM to individual centres and study groups free of charge for daily clinical care and the conduct of retrospective studies.
The use of the prospective module will incur extra costs which will be covered by the study group (to be estimated on a case-by-case basis depending on the study project).
At present, this is not within the current scope of the business plan.