Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

20th Congress of ECCO, February 19-22, 2025, Berlin, Germany

Submit an abstract

Submit an abstract

Call for abstracts

The ECCO'25 Abstract submission is now open. 

Key dates

June 4, 2024         Call for abstracts
November 18, 2024
  Deadline for abstract submission (23:59 CET)
December 18, 2024   Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection
February 19-22, 2025 20th Congress of ECCO, Berlin, Germany


Please pay careful attention to the ECCO'25 guidelines for abstract submission.
Abstracts sent by mail, e-mail or fax will not be accepted!
Upon submission, abstracts can be reviewed or withdrawn in the abstract submission system, but not edited. The submitter does not necessarily have to be the primary author. Once the submission deadline has passed, abstracts can only be withdrawn in writing.


All abstracts submitted by November 18, 2024 (23:59 CET) will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers.
A submitted abstract may be considered for oral presentation (ranking among the best 37 abstracts), digital oral presentation (the next best 135 abstracts in ranking) or hard copy poster presentation.


Notifications of abstract acceptance will be e-mailed to the authors latest by December 18, 2024.


Please pay careful attention to the ECCO'25 guidelines for abstract presentation.

  • The 37 best abstracts will receive an oral presentation slot in the scientific programme of the 20th Congress of ECCO
  • The next best 135 abstracts will be digital oral presentations, with a 5-minute oral presentation either on Thursday, February 20, 2025 or Friday, February 21, 2025
  • The remaining accepted abstracts will be displayed as posters for the duration of the Congress


Every year, chairs of the digital oral presentation sessions select the Top 15 Digital Oral Presentations. At the closing of the congress, these TOP 15 DOPs are awarded with a prize: A certificate of award and also free congress registration to the 21st Congress of ECCO. Awarding will take place in the plenary hall during the session "Awards and closing remarks" on Saturday, February 22, 2025, 12:50-13:20.
ECCO strongly encourages young investigators to submit their original work.

Embargo policy

Data from abstracts accepted to the 20th Congress of ECCO are under media embargo from abstract acceptance, December 18, 2024, up to the following deadlines:

  • Oral Presentation – date and time of their presentation as part of the official scientific sessions (Time zone: CET).
  • Digital Oral Presentation - date and time of their presentation as part of the official scientific sessions (Time zone: CET).
  • Posters – date and time of the release of the on-demand Congress Platform which is on February 17, 2025 (Time zone: CET).

The media embargo includes, but is not limited to, all media channels, such as  print media channels, broadcasting media channels, digital media channels & social media channels.

All abstracts will be available ca. 1 month prior to the Congress on the ECCO publication channels.

Permission management

Ownership of copyright:
Copyright to abstracts (both oral and poster) on the website resides with the respective authors i.e. to use all or part of the Article and abstract, for your own personal use, including your own classroom teaching purposes; to use all or part of the Article and abstract, in the preparation of derivative works, extension of the article into book-length or in other works, provided that a full acknowledgement is made to the original publication in the journal; to include the article in full or in part in a thesis or dissertation, provided that this not published commercially.

Licensed Publication Rights:
Media: The use, reproduction, or transcription of content for any commercial purpose is prohibited without the written permission of the abstract authors. Requests for permission can be directed to the author via the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Authors: If the abstract is published as part of JCC Abstract Book, the JCC publisher controls the underlying rights and the author would need to obtain permission from the publisher to encore their abstract at subsequent commercial congresses.