Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

20th Congress of ECCO, February 19-22, 2025, Berlin, Germany

ECCO’25 Berlin Congress - Terms and Conditions

1. Data Privacy Statement according to GDPR

The ECCO IT Hub (= ECCO Database) processes personal data in line with the principle of transparency and fairness. Please carefuly review the ECCO Privacy Policy according to GDPR for further information.

 2. Congress Registration Fees

The following fees apply for the ECCO’25 Berlin Congress, February 19-22, 2025:

ECCO Member Congress registration fees:   
Regular/Y-ECCO Member Congress fee 300.- 390.- 485.-
Nurse Member Congress fee 60.- 100.- 150.-
Affiliate Member Congress fee1 60.- 100.- 150.-
Low/Lower-Middle income Countries Member Congress fee2 n/a n/a n/a
Non-Member Congress registration fees:   
Non-Member Congress fee 690.- 750.- 850.-
Nurse Non-Member Congress fee3 400.- 420.- 600.-
Affiliate Non-Member Congress fee4 400.- 420.- 600.-
Patient Advocate Congress fee5 65.- 65.- 65.-
Industy registration fees:
Exhibiton access only6 185.- 185.- 185.-
Industry congress fee & early exhibition access7 850.- 890.- 980.-

  • (1) Affiliate / Student

    Students/PhD Students registering at the Affiliate Member Congress fee must upload a certificate of their Student/PhD Student status during the registration process. The Y-ECCO Membership applies for young medical doctors when the Affiliate Membership is open to a holder of a post-graduate non-medical degree professionally affiliated with the field of IBD (e.g.: dietitian, pharmacist, psychologist) who is not an industry representative. If no certificate is being uploaded, the registration process cannot be completed.

  • (2) Low / lower-middle income countries

    ECCO Membership (paid membership fee 2025) is a pre-requisite for Congress registration.

    Eligible for residents of low and lower-middle income countries based on the countries of the World Bank ranking from 2022.

    Low-income countries
    Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Dem. Rep. Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Dem. People's Rep. Korea, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda, Rep. Yemen, Zambia

    Lower-middle income countries
    Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Rep. Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Arab Rep., El Salvador, Eswatini, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza, Zimbabwe

  • (3) Nurse

    Nurses registering at the Nurse Non-Member Congress fee must upload a certificate of their current nurse status and registration number during the registration process. If no certificate is being uploaded, the registration process cannot be completed.

  • (4) Affiliate / Student

    Students/PhD Students and delegates holder of post-graduate non-medical degree professionally affiliated with field of IBD (e.g.: dietitian, pharmacist, psychologist) may register for the Affiliate Non-Member Congress fee. All delegates registering at this fee must upload a certificate of their professional status/Student or PhD Student status during the registration process. If no certificate is being uploaded, the registration process cannot be completed.

  • (5) Patient Advocate

    Patient Advocates registering at this fee must upload a proof of their membership of a Patient Advocate Association during the registration process. If no certificate is being uploaded, the registration process cannot be completed. Please note that you might not have access to industry sponsored satellite symposia.

  • (6) Exhibitor

    Early access to the exhibition hall on Wednesday, Thursday from 7:00 am and Friday, Saturday from 8:00 am. Please note: The official opening of the industry exhibition is Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 10:30 am. 

  • (7) Industry

    Access to the Scientific Programme and early access to the exhibition hall on Wednesday, Thursday from 7:00 am and Friday, Saturday from 8:00 am. 
    Please note: The official opening of the industry exhibition is Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 10:30 am. 

*Access to on-demand platform

Registration is restricted to all healthcare professionals affiliated with the field of IBD, industry representatives, patient representatives and press.

The early/standard registration fee only applies if the full amount is credited to the congress account before the respective payment deadline (see Point 4.3 Payment Deadline / Late Payment). Registering before the respective deadlines without making an actual payment by the payment deadline is not sufficient for obtaining the respective fee. If the payment is not received by the payment deadline, the registration will be changed to the higher registration fee or deleted.

All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in this document, refer to the Central European Time Zone (CET).



1st Educational Course for Industry Partners


4th ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD


6th ECCO  Imaging and Endoscopy Workshop in collaboration with ESGAR and IBUS1 Group A/B


6th School for Clinical trialists


10th D-ECCO Workshop


10th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass1


11th Y-ECCO Science Workshop1


12th ECCO Ultrasound Workshop Advanced in collaboration with ESGAR and IBUS1


12th P-ECCO Educational Course1


13th SciCom Workshop1


14th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass1


16th N-ECCO School


19th N-ECCO Network Meeting


23rd IBD Intensive Course for Trainees


150% reduction for Y-ECCO, Affiliate & IBD nurse Members

 3. ECCO Member Registration / Membership Payment

ECCO Members must pay their ECCO Membership fee 2025 before registering to the congress (no refunds). If you pay your membership fee for 2025 by credit card online you can register straight away as an ECCO Member for the congress. If you pay by bank transfer, please allow up to 5 working days before registering as an ECCO Member.

We strongly advise to pay the membership fee well in advance to avoid troubles when registering close to the congress registration deadlines.

No refunds will be processed, neither if delegates submitting and paying their registration fee as non-members become ECCO Members at a later stage, nor if ECCO Members incorrectly register at the non-member congress fees.

It is the sole responsibility of the group leader to ensure that they have the correct ECCO Membership status for their delegate. No refunds are provided in case a current ECCO Member has been registered on a Non-Member account.

4. Invoicing & Payments

All payments must be made in Euro. Down payments cannot be accepted.

Access to the ECCO’25 Congress will be granted once the full registration is paid.

4.1 Invoices:

All invoices are issued electronically. The correct invoice address must be entered during the registration process online.

It is essential that you select the right nature of the relation as B2C (Home address) or B2B (Business address). The abbreviation B2C stands for business-to-consumer and B2B stands for the business-to-business. Please note that the terms & conditions and VAT may vary accordingly.

For B2B clients with a registered European VAT number, it is required to enter this number with the invoice address in the provided field, while B2B clients without an European VAT number need to indicate their entrepreneurial (tax) ID number.

Invoices issued ae final, and cannot be changed. In case of any modifications (e.g.: VAT number and/or invoicing address) after an invoice has been issued an administrative fee of 5% of the total invoice amount will apply.

4.2 Payment methods:

4.2.1 Payment by Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX)

You can pay the outstanding amount online by credit card (up to a maximum amount of EUR 5,000). Please use our online registration system and log in to the ECCO Portal with your username and password.

Afterwards please select your registration, click the button “Manage/Pay your registration” and follow the steps until you have reached the payment process.

4.2.2 Payment by bank transfer

Please transfer the outstanding amount to the following account:

Account Holder:

OCEAiN – Organisation, Congress, Emotion, Association, iNnovation GmbH

Account Name:

Congress registration


AT45 2011 1297 3243 4601



Bank Name:

Die ERSTE Bank

Bank Address:

Taborstraße 26, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Account Number:

297 324 34601

Bank Code:


Please process the bank transfer free of charge for the beneficiary and indicate the name of the participant and the invoice number on the transfer form.

Payments by bank transfer are only possible until February 5, 2025 (standard registration payment deadline). After this date, all open payments must be paid by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX).

4.3 Payment Deadline / Late Payment

  • In case the full amount of your early registration fee has not been received by November 27, 2024, the standard registration fee will automatically become effective.
  • In case the full amount of your standard registration fee has not been received by February 5, 2025, the late registration fee will automatically become effective.

Registration payments that are sent too late may not be credited to the congress account by the time the congress starts. E-Vouchers for group registration cannot be activated if there are any outstanding payments and badges cannot be printed.

After February 5, 2025, all unpaid registrations are considered cancelled. Cancellation charges will apply as outlined in point 7.

All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in this document, refer to the Central European Time Zone (CET).

4.4 Bank Transfer Charges

All bank charges for the transfer service must be paid by the delegate.

4.5 Overpayment/Double Payment

In case of overpayment or double payment, refund requests must be accompanied by a valid proof of such circumstances.

Requests for refunds need to be sent to the ECCO Office up until 1 month after the ECCO’25 Berlin Congress. Requests submitted after this period will not be considered.

 5. Group Registration

Group registrations (buying e-Vouchers) must be set-up and processed online through the ECCO Portal. The rates for registration follow the deadlines indicated above. All registrations should be made through one group contact person, responsible for managing the group’s registration.

The handling fee of 4% will be charged on the invoice to cover the overheads related to group administration (enquiries, updates, membership status checks, name changes, payment process…).

5.1 Provision of delegate details

Please note: Group coordinators need to provide their delegates with their unique e-Voucher. The delegates have to activate their e-Vouchers (full name, institution/company, compliance, profession, attendance) on the ECCO Portal by February 5, 2025. In case individual contact data is not provided by that date, the registration becomes invalid and will not be refunded. Company address and company email address as registration data for the delegates cannot be accepted. Applicable CME credits and certificates of attendances are not guaranteed to delegates registered with incorrect information.

 5.2 Duplicate registrations

It is the group leader’s sole responsibility to ensure that each delegate is only registered once. Double registrations can be cancelled, but are subject to ECCO’s cancellation policy as outlined in point 7. 

6. Name changes

A registration can be taken over by another delegate (= name change) free of charge until January 29, 2025. After that date the name change is treated like a new registration and must be fully paid.

 7. Cancellation of Registration

The contractual relationship ends with the termination of the ECCO Congress. The exact duration can be found in the programme information.

Each contractual partner is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship in written form with immediate effect if there is an important reason and in line with the following specifications:

 a. Cancellation by the congress organiser:

Important reasons that entitle the provider to terminate for an important reason are in particular: violations of contractual provisions; if, despite a reminder and setting a grace period of 14 days, payments are not made by the agreed due date; other significant unreasonableness that make participation of the delegate un-reasonable for the provider, such as the declaration of an official quarantine on the delegate.

If the provider withdraws from the contract for good cause due to the exclusion of the delegate, the provider retains the right to payment of the participation fee in the proportion of the services provided up to the withdrawal from the contract. Any further claim for damages remains unaffected.

 Due to the long-term planning of the ECCO Congress, the organiser reserves the right to make organisational changes to the programme, e.g. Changes to dates, speakers, locations, etc. There is no entitlement to full or partial holding of the ECCO Congress. The delegate will be informed in time of changes, postponements or cancellations. All delegates in the ECCO Congress have the opportunity to consume the services and content offered electronically, which represents an equivalent replacement for the services and content offered on site.

b. Cancellation by the delegate (B2C consumers = not having a VAT or TAX ID number) of the online registration order within 14 days:

If the participation is concluded in particular by telephone, fax, email or letter and the delegate is a consumer within the meaning of the KSchG (Austrian consumer protection law), the delegate has a right of withdrawal within 14 calendar days from the conclusion of the contract (confirmation of registration). If so, the delegate has the possibility of withdrawing without giving reasons, which has to be done in written form (address, fax number, email). The withdrawal is made in time if the declaration is sent within the deadline.

The right of withdrawal is excluded if the delegate has requested access to the ECCO’25 Berlin Congress or/and Educational Activities prior the 14-day withdrawal period.

Any cancellation must be notified in writing to the ECCO Office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

c. Cancellation by the delegate of the online registration order after payment and/or beyond 14 days:

The terms and conditions for cancellations of registrations apply both for unpaid and paid registrations. If a registration has been made, but has not yet been paid, the below cancellation terms apply as well.

In case of a cancellation the following fees apply:

Cancellation until November 27, 2024: a refund of 50% of the registration fee is granted.

If a cancellation is received and the registration has not yet or only partially been paid, an invoice with a cancellation fee for the full registration amount (50% of the registration amount for cancellations until November 27, 2024) will be issued.

All refunds will be processed after the congress.

Cancellation after November 27, 2024: no refund can be granted.

A cancelled registration can be taken over by another delegate (= name change), see point above.

All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in this document, refer to the Central European Time Zone (CET).

Should a delegate not attend the congress, for whatever reasons, no claims for refunds or waiving of registration fees can be made. It is recommended to buy personal travel insurance to cover any cancellation fees due to illness etc.

8. Visa requirement - Invitation letters

It is the sole responsibility of the delegate or of the group contact person to take care of any visa requirements. Applicants or group contact persons who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the visa application procedure. Applicants or group contact persons should contact the nearest local Embassy or Consulate of the country where the congress will be held to determine the appropriate timing and conditions of the visa application.

Applicants and group contact persons shall request an invitation letter online, or by contacting the ECCO Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The ECCO visa invitation letter will only be issued upon completion of registration and receipt of the full payment of the registration fee.

ECCO visa invitation letters are issued exclusively for visa purposes and do not represent any financial commitment from ECCO. ECCO refuses to carry any costs connected with the visa application or participation in the congress.

ECCO will not contact Embassies and Consulates on behalf of visa applicants.

If the visa invitation letter needs to be originally signed and stamped by ECCO, please let the ECCO Office know before January 3, 2025. The ECCO Office will then send the signed and stamped invitation letter to you via standard post. All original visa letter requests sent to the ECCO Office after January 3, 2025 will be signed and stamped, however returned ONLY by email. If you do still need any original documents returned to you by post after this date, you will be asked to cover the costs of any courier post yourself.

 9. Badges

All persons attending the ECCO Congress must wear their badge visible at all times. Spouses, friends, peers, etc. are not granted access to any congress areas or events without a badge. If you wish for anyone to accompany you to any of the congress events including breaks, sessions or the networking event, you must register them and pay the appropriate fees.

10. Picture ID must be shown for badge pick-up onsite

Please note that in order to pick-up a pre-paid ticket, the passport/ID of the delegate must be shown

11. Lost badges

Lost, misplaced, stolen, forgotten badge will incur a reprint fee of EUR 75.-.

12. Liability & Disclaimer

ECCO reserves the right to retain the entire registration fee in the event that ECCO Congress cannot be held or must be moved or changed due to “Force Majeure" meaning an event beyond the reasonable control of ECCO, which prevents ECCO from complying with any of its obligations, including but not limited to pandemic or epidemic situation and other major risk.

The delegate acknowledges that they have no right to sue the organisers for damages should the Congress not be held or postponed for unexpected political, economic reasons and "Force Majeure". If you are not able to attend the congress, recorded live transmission of the Scientific Programme will be available in the ECCO’25 Congress Platform on demand until May 31, 2025.

If the IT suppliers and utility providers are prevented from making the congress available online to the delegate or if the organiser cannot organise the congress in the event of war, mobilisation, disasters, severe weather conditions, strikes, lock-outs, governmental lock-down, fire, official prescriptions, explosions, acts of terrorism or other circumstances of force majeure outside the organiser´s control or influence, irrespective of when it occurs, then the organiser cannot be held liable by the delegate. The organisers are acting as agents.

ECCO shall not be liable for disruptions in data transmission caused by technical errors or configuration problems on the delegate’s side.

It is the duty of the delegates to ensure that they have an ECCO Account, checked in with their personal login details in the ECCO Portal before the start of the ECCO Congress if they want to access the live transmission.

A delegate at the ECCO Congress can choose to share personal information as well as personal opinion in public debates with the other delegates. The content of all postings and the contribution to public debates is solely the responsibility of the delegate who chooses to actively share information. The congress organiser cannot be held liable for this posted content, while the Congress organiser reserves the right to edit, rectify or delete postings of delegates for good faith or legal reason.

Only written arrangements are binding. With your registration you authorise the organiser to use all registration data given in the registration form for the computerised handling of the congress and further communication with all respective suppliers.

Austrian law shall apply and place of jurisdiction is Vienna.

13. Insurance

The registration fee does not include delegate’s insurance against accidents, sickness, cancellation, theft, property damage or loss. Delegates are advised to take out adequate personal insurance.

14. Photographs/Videos/Virtual Screenshots

a) As event organisers, ECCO and OCEAiN reserve the right on the legitimate interest to use ECCO Congress photos and film footage of the official ECCO photographers and film team in which you might be captured. These photos and film footage are intended for reporting about the event on the ECCO Website, in the ECCO eNewsletters, in promotional material (such as Congress break slide) and in printing material (such as the ECCO Anniversary Book series).

Should you wish to object to the use of a specific photo or film footage, you can address the ECCO Office as outlined in point 1 of the ECCO Privacy Policy  

b) If you participate in the ECCO App you can choose to share your personal information as well as your opinion in public debates with the other participants.

The content of all postings and the contribution to public debates is solely your responsibility as a participant who chooses to actively share information. Neither ECCO, OCEAiN, their expert volunteers, nor staff members can be held liable for this posted content, while ECCO and OCEAiN reserve the right to edit, rectify or delete postings of participants for good faith or legal reason.

  • Self-management of consent-based data of ECCO Portal Account used for single-sign on solution in ECCO App: your first name, last name, and email address (= the users themselves can reject that the ECCO Portal data is shared with the ECCO App)
  • Self-management of data storage and data subject rights (= the users can delete themselves): social media, website, address, job title, biography, company, country, topics of interest, portrait picture, written chat contributions
  • No data storage; self-management of data subject rights in live engagement (= the users can decide themselves when to turn on/off the camera/mic/screen sharing): camera image, audio transmission, image and screen sharing
  • While text postings on the social wall can be deleted by the users themselves (= self-management of data subject rights) and with this deletion also the answer comments, you cannot delete on your own your answer-comments to postings.

You may withdraw your consent regarding consent-based data at any time. The withdrawal of your consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

For further details, please refer to the ECCO Privacy Policy:

15. COVID-19 Regulations for Messe Berlin, Berlin

We recommend to check regularly the entry regulations to Berlin here.

Please note that ECCO might need to save your entry and exit times to the Messe Berlin and the Palais for contact tracing. Your name and e-mail address will be saved for the legal required period after the congress and ID’s will be checked at the entrance together with your QR Code voucher/badge.

Disclaimer: Entry will be refused to any person not compliant with the current regulations and restrictions. No refund of paid registration fees will be made.

16. Low/Lower-Middle Income Countries

Only ECCO Members 2025 with a permanent affiliation in a low/lower-middle income country according to the World Bank definition are eligible for the reduced congress registration. Proof of the affiliation will be required. Delegate will need to register individually using their own login details and cannot be registered within a group.

Low-income countries: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Dem. Rep, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, The, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Korea, Dem. People's Rep, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Rep., Zambia

Lower-middle income countries: Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Rep., Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Arab Rep., El Salvador, Eswatini, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Islamic Rep, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Fed. Sts., Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, São Tomé and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, West Bank and Gaza, Zimbabwe

17. Sanctions law check

Please note that, in order to be fully compliant with current sanctions laws, your registration and participation is pending until the completion of a sanctions law check. In case circumstance of a delegate change after such an approval of registration, ECCO has the right to revoke the approval of registration and participation (e.g., the delegate becomes subject to sanctions). Notwithstanding Point 7. Cancellation of Registration, ECCO reserves the right to retain any payments credited to ECCO by the delegate and regardless of the cancellation date in case of sanctions laws relevant circumstances.

Sanctions laws meaning any economic, financial or trade sanctions laws, regulations, executive orders, restrictive measures or other sanctions requirements enacted, administered, imposed, enforced or publicly notified by:

  1. a) The United Nations;
  2. b) The European Union;
  3. c) The United States of America;
  4. d) Austria;
  5. e) The United Kingdom;
  6. f) The government, any official institution, authority and/or agency of any person listed in (a) to (e) above; and/or
  7. g) any other government, official institution, authority and/or agency with jurisdiction over any party to this agreement and/or its affiliates.