ECCO'21 Checklist
Tips and tricks for the ECCO'21 Virtual Congress
✔ Don´t forget to check your login details!
In order to access the ECCO’21 Virtual Congress, please check your login details in the ECCO Portal prior the Congress.
✔ How do I get my login details?
You can retrieve your log in details of your current account through the ECCO Portal or create an ECCO Account if you never had one before.
✔ Settings for the best viewing experience!
For the best viewing experience, please set the zoom setting for text and apps to 100% in the display settings of your computer and the browser zoom settings to 100% as well.
✔ You have been registered by a group coordinator and you need to activate your e-Voucher!
- Go to the ECCO Portal
- Sign into your ECCO Account
- If you forgot your password use the “Forgot password” function
- If you do not have an ECCO Account, please create a new account
- Once logged in the ECCO Portal, click "Congress Registration", select "Activate your e-Voucher", enter your unique code provided by your group coordinator. Enter your institute/company, country, profession and compliance.
- In due course, enjoy ECCO's diverse educational and scientific programme
✔ You are an ECCO Member 2021 and you want to register for an Educational Course:
Once logged in the ECCO Portal, click “Congress Registration”, click “Register myself”, enter your invoice address, select “Educational Activities Only” and tick the courses of your choice. Proceed with a credit card payment online (Visa or Mastercard only). All registered courses will be available on demand until October 31, 2021. Make sure you watch them for the full length either live or on demand to be entitled to the CME Certificate.
ECCO 2021 Members will have access to all ECCO'21 Virtual Congress content, also after October 31, 2021 in the e-Library.
✔ Stop by the Virtual ECCO Booth & find out more about ECCO’s new and existing initiatives:
- e-CCO Learning
- Educational Workshops
- Scientific Workshops
- Fellowships, Grants and Travel Awards
- JCC (Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis)
- Y-ECCO/ClinCom Survey
- NEW: E-QUALITY (Quality of Care project)
- Ask your question to the ECCO Office Team
✔ Have you selected which Digital Oral Presentations you would like to attend on Thursday & Friday?
Browse through all available DOPs and prepare your schedule in advance.
All Digital Oral Presentation slides will be available for public access on the ECCO Website after the congress for a limited time (Note: Publication is subject to speakers’ authorisation).
More information
Digital Oral Presentations
✔ ECCO Members:
Access to ECCO'21 Virtual content on the e-Library!
Recall the hot topics in IBD of ECCO'21 at home or on-the-go! ECCO 2021 Members will have access to every ECCO'21 Virtual Congress content, even after October 31 in the ECCO e-Library.
Make use of your voting rights!
Don’t miss the ECCO General Assembly on Thursday evening, July 8, 2021 from 19:00-20:00 CEST. Join us and vote for the next ECCO Secretary!
Participate in ECCO Initiatives!
ECCO Members 2021 are eligible to contribute to ECCO Papers, such as Guidelines, Topical Reviews and Position Statements. In addition, Members in good standing can apply for ECCO Fellowships, Grants and Travel Awards. Take the chance to join the fight against IBD!
More information
Especially for ECCO Members
✔ What's happening after ECCO'21 Virtual?
- To claim CME Credits, delegates will receive their Certificate of Attendance and the link to the evaluation surveys by email for
- the Educational Programme as of Saturday, July 3
- and the Scientific Programme as of Saturday, July 10.
- CME Credits can ONLY be claimed until September 30, 2021
- Congress content will be available on-demand until October 31, 2021