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Affiliate ECCO Societies & ECCO Partners

Over the past decade, ECCO has built up strong ties with Global Friends via abundant initiatives. In this context, ECCO is now introducing a new category for reinforced partnership with established national and international organisations in the field of IBD.

ECCO gladly welcomes the following ECCO Affiliate Societies in the ECCO Family:

EDGE – Egyptian Developers of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
Contact person: Mohammed Khorshid

EFCCA - European Federation of Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Association
Contact person: Luisa Avedano

ESCCO – Egyptian Society of Crohn's and Colitis
Contact person: Mohamed Alboraie

ESDO – European Society of Digestive Oncology
Contact person: Eric Van Cutsem

ESIBD – Egyptian Society of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Contact person: Mostafa Ibrahim

FUNDECCU Argentina – Fundación Argentina de Ayuda para les Personas con Enfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa
Contact person: Fabiana Miele

IBD Africa – Inflammatory Bowel Disease Africa
Contact person: David Epstein

JSIBD – Japanese Society of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Contact person: Mamoru Watanabe

KASID - Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases
Contact person: Joo Sung Kim

KSSID - Kazakh Scientific Society in Study of Intestinal Diseases
Contact person: Jamilya Kaibullayeva

NZSG – New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology
Contact person: April-Mae Marshall

TSIBD – Taiwan Society of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Contact person: Wang Horng-Yuan

1. Posting on ECCO Website as Official Affiliate ECCO Society
2. Participate in Talking Global IBD initiative at the ECCO Congress (attached to General Assembly)
3. Create a Society Profile Poster to be displayed at the ECCO Congress
4. Write a profile of your society for ECCO News.
5. Stand as a committee member for ECCO (1 international seat in ECCO Committees; no Chair eligibility)
6. Host an ECCO Educational Workshop in your country, best aligned to a National Gastroenterology meeting (note the criteria on http://www.ecco-ibd.eu and contact the EduCom Chair).
7. Nominate a candidate for IBD Intensive Course of Trainees: 20 outside-of-Europe seats available (first come, first served) via open call to Global Friends and published on ECCO Website every spring
8. Explore research cooperation via UR-CARE

ECCO collaborates with Affiliate Societies for scientific and medical advancements in IBD. It recognizes and respects the distinct role of patient organizations like EFCCA and aims to complement, not compete with, their efforts in supporting individuals affected by IBD.

Becoming an Affiliate ECCO Society:
If your organisation is an incorporated, non-commercial organisation in the field of IBD -either on the national level and on the international level, please:
1. Fill in the respective form (including the nomination of 1 central contract person)
2. Attach an official proof of incorporation
3. and send to the ECCO Office at ecco@ecco-ibd.eu

If you want to become an ECCO Affiliate Society or ECCO Partner, please contact ecco@ecco-ibd.eu

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