COllaborative Network For Exceptionally 
Rare case reports  


ECCO CONFER is now opening the call for proposals for the eleventh round of ECCO CONFER Cases.

Deadline to submit your case proposal: October 27, 2024

Please respond to this call by sending your case to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to call or contact the ECCO Office via email.

For more information on the format and content criteria, as well as the selection process, project deadline and authorship rules please find the full call below.

ECCO CONFER Call for proposals


Unique and extraordinary clinical cases are generally reported in the form of a single case report or a small series, making it hard to derive clinical conclusions on modes of presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.

5 main themes of interest:

  • Unusual clinical situations facing diagnostic or therapeutic gaps of knowledge
  • Rare infections
  • Uncommon drug beneficial effects or side-effects
  • Rare IBD manifestations
  • Infrequent disease associations (neoplastic, infectious etc.)

What is ECCO CONFER Cases?

The ECCO CONFER Cases are based on an initiative introduced by the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) to support individual investigators in developing rare case series by collecting enough similar cases among the IBD Community. By joining forces of the many members and supporters of ECCO, a joint report of all similar such cases can result in a large case series that will advance knowledge on these uncommon patients.

How it operates

A call will be made once a year to all ECCO Members to propose CONFER case projects. Two to four cases will be selected by the CONFER Steering Committee.

The proposing investigator will act as PI and develop his/her case into a CONFER case project with the support of a member of the CONFER Steering Committee.

A call will then be made to all ECCO Members and affiliates who have encountered a similar case to contribute their case to the CONFER case series. 

All received cases will be joined into a case series by a PI and prepared for publication.

ECCO’s support:

ECCO’s support includes dissemination of a call for similar cases, as well as assessment of the feasibility of the cases by the ECCO CONFER Steering Committee. It does not include any financial support nor any input in the collection of the data, the analysis or the publication of the data collected. 

Steering committee

ECCO CONFER is managed by a five-member steering committee. The current steering committee is composed of:

David Drobne (Slovenia)
Triana Lobaton (Belgium) 
Mette Julsgaard (Denmark)
Daniela Pugliese (Italy)
Julien Kirchgesner (France)   

Ongoing cases

CONFER Cases Round 10

Case 1: 
Perianal Crohn's fistula in the absence of luminal disease - natural history, time to progression to luminal disease and management in contemporary clinical practice

Case 2:
Exposure to JAK-inhibitors during pregnancy and risk of adverse pregnancy outcome

Case 3:
Safety and efficacy of JAK inhibitors in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis associated with inflammatory bowel disease.

Please find below further information on the cases.

Round 10 - Cases

Please contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to receive more information on the cases and get in touch with the PIs.

Previous CONFER Cases & Publications

Round 9

Case 1 Case Title: 

Treatment of chronic pouchitis with JAKs inhibitors and S1P receptor modulators

Principal Investigator:
Giulia Testa and Davide Ribaldone
Case Manager: Triana Lobaton
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Treatment of Antibiotic Refractory Chronic Pouchitis With JAK Inhibitors and S1P Receptor Modulators: An ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series 


Case 2 Case Title: 

Isolated Gastric Crohn's Disease achieving complete mucosal healing with biological therapies

Principal Investigator:
Fadwa Adel
Osama Ebada
Case Manager: Daniela Pugliese

Case 3 Case Title: 

Biologicals and/or small molecules in patients with microscopic colitis

Principal Investigator:
Bram Verstockt
Case Manager: Mette Julsgaard
Publication Type:

DOP at ECCO´24

Publication Title:

DOP79 Promising efficacy of biologicals and small molecules for microscopic colitis: results from a large real-life multicenter cohort


Case 4 Case Title: 

Safety and efficacy of ustekinumab and vedolizumab after liver transplant for PSC-IBD patients

Principal Investigator:
Tom Holvoet
Case Manager: Triana Lobaton
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO´24

Publication Title:

P621 Safety and effectiveness of vedolizumab and ustekinumab in inflammatory bowel disease patients after liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis: results from an ECCO-confer case series


Round 8

Case 1 Case Title: 

Non anti-TNF therapy in patients with IBD and Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Principal Investigator:
Bram Verstockt
Case Manager: Idan Goren
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’23 

Publication Title:

P674 Ustekinumab is the preferred biological agent in IBD patients with hidradenitis suppurativa failing anti-TNF therapy: results from a real-life multicenter cohort


Case 2 Case Title: 

Solid organ transplant (but liver) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Principal Investigator:
Davide Ribaldone
Case Manager: Maria Chaparro
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’23 

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

P252 Solid organ transplant (with the exception of liver) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: An ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series

Non-Hepatic Solid Organ Transplant in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: an ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series



Round 7

Case 1 Case Title: 

Surgery due to inflammatory bowel disease during pregnancy: mothers and offspring outcomes

Principal Investigator:
Maria Chaparro
Case Manager: Maria Chaparro
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’22 

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Surgery due to Inflammatory Bowel Disease During Pregnancy: Mothers and Offspring Outcomes From an ECCO Confer Multicentre Case Series [Scar Study]


Case 2 Case Title: 

A patient with ulcerative colitis and immune thrombocytopenic purpura

Principal Investigator:
Hussein Mahajna
Case Manager: Uri Kopylov
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’22 

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: an ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series


Case 3 Case Title: 

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Principal Investigator:
Brigida Barberio
Case Manager: Pierre Ellul
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: an ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series


Case 4 Case Title: 

IBD and type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis - the diagnostic dilemmas. How far is from theory to clinical practice?

Principal Investigator:
Piotr Eder
Case Manager: Idan Goren
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’22 

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Autoimmune pancreatitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease - a real-world multicentre collaborative ECCO CONFER study

DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad097.

Round 6

Case 1 Case Title: 

New onset psoriasis following Vedolizumab treatment in IBD

Principal Investigator:
Josep Oriol Miquel Cusachs
Case Manager: Maria Chaparro

Case 2 Case Title: 

Neuroendocrine neoplasms in patients with IBD

Principal Investigator:
Giulia Zerboni and Stefano Festa
Case Manager: Idan Goren
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series


Case 3 Case Title: 

Primary Hypogammaglobulinaemia with IBD-like features

Principal Investigator:
Ahmad Albshesh
Case Manager: Uri Kopylov
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Primary Hypogammaglobulinaemia with Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Like Features


Round 5

Case 1 Case Title: 

Extranodal intestinal lymphoma in IBD (independent of treatment regimen)

Principal Investigator:
Frank Phillips 
Case Manager: Konstantinos Karmiris
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Diagnosis and Outcome of Extranodal Primary Intestinal Lymphoma in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An ECCO CONFER Case Series 

Corrigendum to: ECCO CONFER Investigators, Diagnosis and Outcome of Extranodal Primary Intestinal Lymphoma in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: An ECCO CONFER Case Series


Case 2 Case Title: 

Orofacial granulomatosis in Crohn’s Disease 

Principal Investigator:
Frank Phillips 
Case Manager: Pierre Ellul
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Orofacial Granulomatosis Associated with Crohn's Disease: a Multicentre Case Series.


Case 3 Case Title: 

New onset spondyloarthropathy in IBD patients treated with VDZ

Principal Investigator:
Shaji Sebastian
Specialist Nurse Alison Tetley
Case Manager: Shaji Sebastian
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO’19 

Publication Title:

P701 New onset spondyloarthropathy in vedolizumab treated IBD patients


Round 4

Case 1 Case Title: 

Drug Induced liver injury (DILI) with biologics

Principal Investigator:
Shaji Sebastian
Case Manager: Shaji Sebastian
Publication Type:

Poster at ECCO´18

Publication Title: P577 Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) secondary to biologic therapy in IBD: ECCO- CONFER Series


Case 2 Case Title: 

IBD and eosinophilic gastroenteritis (overlap cases)

Principal Investigator:
Kostantinos Katsanos
Case Manager: Uri Kopylov

Case 3 Case Title: 

Esophageal Crohn's Disease

Principal Investigator:
Rita Rodrigues 
Case Manager: Konstantinos Karmiris
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Diagnosis and Outcome of Oesophageal Crohn's Disease


Case 4 Case Title: 

Upper and lower extremeties paresthesias under anti-TNFa therapy 

Principal Investigator:
Konstantinos Katsanos 
Case Manager: Gionata Fiorino
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Making a Case for Case Reports: The ECCO-CONFER Viewpoint on Investigating Rare Events in a Medical World Reigned by Group-comparative Statistics. 


Round 3

Case 1 Case Title: 

Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia in IBD patients treated with immunomodulator(s)

Principal Investigator:
Sophie Vieujean
Case Manager: Jean-François Rahier
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title: Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease–a Case Series

Case 2 Case Title: 

Granulomatous and interstitial lung disease in IBD

Principal Investigator:
Joana Moleiro
Elena Eliadou
Case Manager: Gionata Fiorino
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Inflammatory Cutaneous Lesions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated With Vedolizumab or Ustekinumab: An ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series.


Case 3 Case Title: 

Inflammatory cutaneous lesions in IBD treated with ustekinumab and vedolizumab

Principal Investigator:
Frank Phillips
Case Manager: Uri Kopylov
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Inflammatory Cutaneous Lesions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treated With Vedolizumab or Ustekinumab: An ECCO CONFER Multicentre Case Series.


Round 2

Case 1 Case Title: 

Vulvitis granulomatosa or scrotal granulomatosa

Principal Investigator:
Frank Dederichs
Case Manager: Eugeni Domenech
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Genital Granulomatosis in Male and Female Patients With Crohn's Disease: Clinical Presentation and Treatment Outcomes. 


Case 2 Case Title: 

PRES in anti-TNF treated patient 

Principal Investigator:
John Puntis
Case Manager: Konstantinos Katsanos

Case 3 Case Title: 

IBD patient undergoing thymectomy for myasthenia or for other indication

Principal Investigator:
Ren Mao
Case Manager: Shomron Ben-Horin  

Case 4 Case Title: 

Lymphangioma circumscriptum in an IBD patient

Principal Investigator:
Marc Ferrante
Case Manager: Jean-François Rahier

Round 1

Case 1 Case Title: 

Optic neuritis in patients treated or not with anti-TNF

Principal Investigator:
Benjamin Alexandre 
Case Manager: Konstantinos Katsanos
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:
Optic Neuritis Associated or Not with TNF Antagonists in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Case 2 Case Title: 

Topical tacrolimus for the treatment of pouchitis

Principal Investigator:
Cyriel Ponsioen 
Case Manager: Eugeni Domènech

Case 3 Case Title: 

Cogan syndrome in patients with IBD 

Principal Investigator:
Stephan Vavricka 
Case Manager: Jean-François Rahier
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:

Cogan's Syndrome in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease--A Case Series. 


Case 4 Case Title: 

Cerebral vascular events (CVA/TIA) during anti-TNF treatment 

Principal Investigator:
Konstantinos Karmiris 
Case Manager: Shomron Ben-Horin  
Publication Type:

Published on JCC

Publication Title:
Cerebrovascular events in inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha agents.