ECCO Scientific Workshop Papers


Access list of published ECCO Position Statements

ECCO Scientific Workshops aim at unraveling unanswered questions in the field of IBD, producing authoritative reviews and thus contributing to the body of knowledge. The workshops are launched bi-annually by our Scientific Committee (two-year process per workshop).

These workshops address a single question, with working groups performing a systematic review to be published and setting the goals for research to answer the question.

All interested basic scientists are welcome to apply prior to the deadline. Participants follow a strict ethical code including the agreement not to use discussions and resolutions outside of ECCO and to follow pre-discussed rules on publication and authorship. No direct industry sponsoring will be accepted.


Topic Publication
Results of the Eighth Scientific Workshop of ECCO: Prevention and treatment of postoperative recurrence in patients with Crohn’s disease undergoing an ileocolonic resection with ileocolonic anastomosis.  2023
Results of the Eighth Scientific Workshop of ECCO: Diagnosing postoperative recurrence of Crohn’s disease after an ileocolonic resection with ileocolonic anastomosis.   2023
Results of the Eighth Scientific Workshop of ECCO: Pathophysiology and risk factors of postoperative Crohn’s disease recurrence after an ileocolic resection.  2023
Precision medicine in IBD: What, why, and how March 2021
Precision medicine in IBD: Prediction and prevention March 2021
Precision medicine in IBD: Disease outcome and response to therapy March 2021
Precision medicine in IBD: Challenges and future directions March 2021
The Pathogenesis of Extraintestinal Manifestations: Implications for IBD Research, Diagnosis, and Therapy November 2018
Clinical Aspects of Perianal Fistulising Crohn’s Disease—the Unmet Needs January 2016
Pathophysiology of Perianal Fistulising Disease December 2015
Markers of intestinal fibrosis in inflammatory bowel disease October 2014
Pathophysiology of intestinal fibrosis in IBD October 2014
Extra-intestinal malignancies in inflammatory bowel disease January 2014
Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease January 2014
Non-colorectal intestinal tract carcinomas in inflammatory bowel disease January 2014
Therapeutic strategies to enhance intestinal healing in inflammatory bowel disease May 2012
Basic mechanisms of intestinal healing April 2012
Impact of mucosal healing on the course of inflammatory bowel disease October 2011
Measures and markers of prediction to achieve, detect, and monitor intestinal healing in Inflammatory Bowel Disease October 2011
Anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases: Definitions, frequency and pharmacological aspects October 2010
Anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases: Biological roles and effects of TNF and TNF antagonists October 2010