EFCCA Patient Society

CCU - Crohn's and Colitis Association

CCU (Crohn´s og Colitis Ulcerosa Samtökin) is the Crohn´s and Colitis association of Iceland. The association is an organized interest group for people who suffer from IBD (Crohns and Colitis Ulcerosa). The main goal of the association is to support members, i.e. with education, support, translation of published material and ensure that the group covers the entire country.


  • Street: P.O. Box 5388
  • Postcode: 125
  • City: Reykjavik
  • Country: Iceland


  • CCU
  • Telephone: +354 8813288 (Voice Mail)
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.