Industry exhibition

The industry exhibition will give you a wide overview over the latest achievements concerning Inflammatory Bowel Diseases as well as state-of-the-art technical equipment. Exhibitors will display the most recent publications in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and related sciences. For all enquiries regarding the industry exhibition and sponsorship opportunities please contact the ECCO Office.

Industry exhibition, Exhibition hall, Ground level, CCIB

2017 01 12 MASTER Exhibition hall floor plan

List of exhibitors

Exhibitor Booth number
AbbVie 19
AbbVie 02
Biogen 29
Boehringer Ingelheim 21
BUHLMANN Laboratories 10
Calpro 25
Celgene 08
Celltrion 05
Cisbio Bioassays 39
DiaSorin 12
Dr. Falk Pharma 15
Eurospital 40
Genetic Analysis 35
Gilead 11
Grifols 24
Ferring 28
Immundiagnostik AG 30
Inova Diagnostics 36
Janssen 18
La Lettre de l' Hepato-gastroenterologue 27
Medtronic 26
Mendes 37
MSD 07
Nikkiso 22
ORGENTEC Diagnostika 38
Origin Sciences 34
Pfizer 16
Pfizer 20
R-Biopharm 13
Robarts Clinical Trials B.V 23
Roche 14
Sandoz 04
Shield Therapeutics 03
Shire 06
Takeda 01
Theradiag 32
Tillotts 17
Vifor Pharma 09
Wisepress 33


Industry and poster exhibition hours:


Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Note: for stands ≥ 40 sqm

Wednesday, February 15, 2017 07:30-22:00
Thursday, February 16, 2017 07:30-10:00


Thursday, February 16, 2017 12:00-18:00
Friday, February 17, 2017 09:30-18:00
Saturday, February 18, 2017 09:30-13:00


Saturday, February 18, 2017 13:00-22:00