EU Research Projects


New Call Round

Proposals inviting IBDIM Ltd.*(= Research Ltd. of ECCO) as project participant: 
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for such project invitations can be requested from the ECCO Office by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Open calls  Upcoming EU Submisison Deadlines Deadline for project invitations to IBDIM

Two Stage Calls

No open call

6 weeks prior to 1st  stage 

Single Stage Calls 

No open call

13 weeks prior to deadline 

(*) In great anticipation of Horizon 2020 opening up a new era of European research, ECCO founded IBDIM – IBD in Motion Ltd. (IBDIM) in January 2014 in order to facilitate European research projects in the field of IBD. Its core mission is to bundle scientific expertise and clinical research consultancy – particularly for EU projects and similar projects in cooperation with other partner institutions. Within this framework, IBDIM Ltd. can rely on the network of voluntary ECCO experts for its consulting, consensus, review, and dissemination processes.

CEO of IBDIM – IBD in Motion Ltd.

Dr Filip Baert
AZ Delta
Roeselare, Belgium
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Project Partner Search:


FP7 Sadel Project

Horizon 2020 - BIOCYCLE Project