DOP25 Clinical outcomes of COVID-19 and Impact on Disease Course in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Wetwittayakhlang, P.(1);Albader, F.(2);Golovics, P.(1);Drügg Hahn, G.(1);Bessissow, T.(1); Bitton, A.(1); Afif, W.(1);Wild, G.(1);LakatosPhD, P.L.(1);
(1)Mcgill University Health Center, IBD Centre, Montréal, Canada;(2)Mcgill University Health Center, Division of Internal Medicine, Montréal, Canada; Inflammatory bowel disease McGill University Health Centre
The impact of COVID-19 has been of great concern in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) worldwide, including an increased risk of severe outcomes and/or possible flare of IBD. This study aims to evaluate prevalence, outcomes, the impact of COVID-19 in patients with IBD, and risk factors associated with severe COVID-19 or flare of IBD activity.
A consecutive cohort of IBD patients followed at the McGill University Health Care Centre diagnosed with COVID-19 infection was obtained between March 1, 2020, and April 30, 2021. Demographics, comorbidities, IBD (type, treatments, pre-and post-COVID clinical activity, biomarkers, and endoscopic activity), and COVID-related outcomes (pneumonia, hospitalization, death, and flare of IBD disease) were analyzed.
A total of 3,516 IBD cohort patients were included. 82 patients (2.3%) were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection (median age 39.0 (IQR 27.8-48.0), 77% with Crohn’s disease, 50% were female). The prevalence of COVID infection in IBD was significantly lower compared to the general population in Canada and Quebec (3.5% vs. 4.3%, p<0.001). Severe COVID occurred in 6 patients (7.3%); 2 patients (2.4%) died. A flare of IBD post-COVID infection was reported in 8 patients (9.8%) within 3 months. Biologic therapy was held during active COVID infection in 37% of patients. Age ≥55 years (odds ratio (OR):11.1, 95%CI:1.8–68.0), systemic corticosteroid use (OR:4.6, 95%CI:0.7-30.1), active IBD (OR:3.8, 95%CI:0.7-20.8) and comorbidity (OR:4.9, 95%CI:0.8-28.6) were factors associated with severe COVID. After initial infection, 61% of IBD patients received COVID-19 vaccinations.

The prevalence of COVID-19 infection among patients with IBD was lower than that in the general population in Canada. Severe COVID, mortality, and flare of IBD were relatively rare, while a large proportion of patients received COVID vaccination. Older age, comorbidities, active IBD disease, and systemic corticosteroid, but not immunosuppressive or biological therapy were associated with severe COVID infection.