DOP48 Use of biologic therapies with different mechanisms of action (MOA) in the first-line (1L) treatment of Crohn’s Disease (CD) in the U.S.

Huang, Z.(1);Ba, Y.(1);Kamble, P.(1);Wang, S.(1)

(1)Takeda, Gastroenterology- Global Outcomes, Cambridge, United States


Anti-cytokine biologics (anti-TNF agents, anti-IL-12/23 agent) and gut-selective anti-lymphocyte trafficking agent (MAdCAM α4β7 blocker) are available treatment options for patients (pts) with moderate-to-severe CD. There are limited data on treatment persistence of these different MOA as 1L biologic treatment of CD in real-world setting.


This retrospective study used the Truven Health MarketScan administrative claims database to assess treatment patterns in a large U.S. insured population. Biologic naïve adult CD pts (CD diagnosed by using ICD 9 and 10 codes) who initiated (date of initiation defined as index date) 1L biologic treatment (adalimumab [ADA], infliximab [IFX], vedolizumab [VDZ] or ustekinumab [UST] between 09/2016 and 09/2019) with ≥6 months of continuous health benefits enrolment post biologics initiation were included. Treatment persistence was defined as time to index drug discontinuation with a pre-defined gap or switch to other biologic drugs.


Overall, 2648 ADA, 1446 IFX, 474 VDZ, and 415 UST treated CD pts were identified. The mean age was highest for VDZ pts (45.5 y), followed by UST (42.2 y), ADA (40.1 y) and IFX (38.8 y). The use of corticosteroid in 12 months prior to 1L biologics was highest for ADA pts (74.3%), then UST (68.2%), VDZ (65.2%), and IFX (64.9%). Disease duration (time from the first observed CD diagnosis to 1L biologics initiation date) ≤ 2 yrs was found lowest in VDZ pts (48.1%), then UST (54.7%), ADA (59.6%), and IFX (67.6%). Fistulising condition in 12 months before 1L biologics was highest in IFX pts (11.9%), then UST (9.4%), ADA (7.7%), and VDZ (5.3%). Continuation on 1L biologics was highest in VDZ pts (59.1%), followed by IFX (58.0%), UST (57.6%), and ADA (50.8%). Treatment discontinuation was highest in UST pts (35.7%), then ADA (35.4%), VDZ (30.2%), and IFX (28.2%). Switch to 2L biologics was highest in IFX pts (13.9%), then ADA (13.8%), VDZ (10.8%) and UST (6.8%). Median treatment persistence was highest for VDZ pts (842 days), followed by IFX (770 days), UST (566 days) and ADA (507 days). VDZ pts showed higher treatment persistence than ADA pts (log-rank p-value=0.005) or UST pts (p=0.14). IFX pts had higher persistence than ADA pts (p<0.0001) or UST pts (p=0.07). The adjusted hazard ratio of treatment discontinuation, with VDZ as the reference group, was highest for ADA (1.36, p<0.0001), then UST (1.27, p=0.023) and IFX (1.07, p=0.45).


In biologic naïve CD pts, real-world evidence shows that VDZ is associated with longer treatment persistence when compared with any of the currently approved anti-cytokine biologics. With >2 years of treatment persistence, VDZ and IFX were significantly superior to both ADA and UST.