N01 Factors related to self-medication with corticosteroids, aminosalicylates or analgesics and reasons given by patients with ulcerative colitis from Spain
M. Cañas1, F. Mesonero2, I. Rodriguez-Lago3, C. Savini4, R. Saldaña4, L. Feo-Luca5, S. FERNANDEZ5, L. Cea-Calvo5, B. Juliá5
1Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Gastroenterology Department, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Gastroenterology Department- IBD Unit, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital de Galdakao, Gastroenterology Department- IBD Unit, Madrid, Spain, 4Spanish confederation of associations of patients with Crohn′s disease and Ulcerative colitis ACCU, accu, Madrid, Spain, 5Merck Sharp & Dohme of Spain, Medical Affairs Department, Madrid, Spain
Self-medication, when agreed with the treating physician, is an essential component of self-care. We describe the associated factors and the reasons related to the practice of self-medication with steroids, aminosalcylates (AS) or analgesics in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) in Spain.
Information was anonymoulsy provided by patients through a web-based cross-sectional survey developed by 3 inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experts from the Spanish working group on IBD (GETECCU), one nurse from the Spanish nursing working group on IBD (GETEII) and two patients from the Spanish confederation of associations of patients with IBD (ACCU). Participants voluntarily answered to the survey based on their own experiences from February to April 2019. Reasons for self-medication are described as frequencies and associated factors through logistic regression models.
A total of 546 patients (61% women, mean age 40 years old) responded. Of these, 36 (7%) patients self-medicated with corticosteroids, and was associated with higher number of UC self-reported flares during the past year [OR 7 (95% CI: 1–32),

Self-medication in UC is not a common practice, but most of the times it is not agreed with the treating physician. Self-medication with analgesics was more frequent, probably reflecting a need of self-care. Female sex, number of flares, IV treatment, and need of emergency room care were factors associated to self-medication.
This project was endorsed by GETECCU, GETEII, ACCU and funded by MSD Spain.