N14 Who can do it, if not me? - Identification of biopsychosocial predictors for the quality of life, satisfaction with life, and acceptance of the gastrointestinal disease

Rudnik, A.(1);Piotrowicz, G.(2);Piotrowicz, A.(3);Bidzan, M.(4);Rydzewska, G.(5);

(1)University of Gdansk, Institute of Psychology, Gdańsk, Poland;(2)Independent Public Health Care of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, Department of Gastroenterology-, Gdańsk, Poland;(3)Independent Public Health Care of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs, Department of Gastroenterology, Gdańsk, Poland;(4)University of Gdańsk, Institute of Psychology, Gdańsk, Poland;(5)Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Subdivision, Warsaw, Poland;


Both IBS and inflammatory bowel diseases (including ulcerative colitis, UC, and Crohn’s disease, CD) are disorders that impact patients' physical and mental health. Psychological factors play a special role in their course as well as in coping with symptoms and the treatment process. Hence, there is a huge need for a holistic approach to patients, based on their psychological resources.  


In total 104 patients (N = 104), 58 women and 46 men suffering from IBS (35), UC (33), or CD (36) participated in the study. The average age equaled 32.56 years (SD = 11.04) and the average duration of the disease was 8.5 years (SD = 6.9). The structured questionnaires such as the Quality of Life SF-36v2 Questionnaire - the Polish version, the Satisfaction with Life Scale SWLS (Diener, Emmons, Larson, Griffin, Polish adapt. by Juczynski), the Acceptance of Illness Scale AIS (Felton, Revenson, Hinrichsen, Polish adapt. by Juczynski), the Generalised Self Efficacy Scale GSES (Schwarzer, Jerusalem, Juczynski), and the author’s own survey were used for data collection.


Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to investigate whether psychological factors play a predictive role for the physical and mental components of quality of life and the sense of life satisfaction. Regression analysis showed that the independent variables in step 1 accounted for 0.3% of the variance of the sense of life satisfaction (F2.101 = 0.175, p = 0.840). The independent variables added in step 2 further explained 18.5% of the variance (F6.95 = 3.608, p = 0.003). The independent variables added in step 3 further explained 8.3% of the variance (F4.91 = 2.607, p = 0.041). Independent variables accounted for a total of 27.2% of the variance of the sense of satisfaction with life (F12.91 = 2.831, p = 0.002). The significant independent variables in step 3 were generalized self-efficacy and disease acceptance, indicating that patients convinced of their own effectiveness and accepting their disease achieved higher scores in terms of the sense of satisfaction with life.


Two predictors were identified as a result of the study. It has been shown that the acceptance of illness is a predictor of patients' sense of life satisfaction as well as the physical and mental component of quality of life. The second predictor for the sense of satisfaction with life is generalized self-efficacy, which is also a predictor for the acceptance of the illness. The results of the study allow for the creation of individually tailored therapeutic programs to improve patients' quality of life.