N19 Improving the standard of care for patients with IBD - translating the N-ECCO Consensus Statements

Kjaer-Mikkelsen, E.(1);Hindhede, A.(2);Bager, P.(3);

(1)Regional Hospital West Jutland, Unit of Gastroenterology, Herning, Denmark;(2)Odense University Hospital, Medical Gastrointestinal Diseases, Odense, Denmark;(3)Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Aarhus N, Denmark;


In 2018 the Second N-ECCO Consensus Statements were published in JCC and presented at the ECCO Congress. The statements aim to show the 'ideal' standard of care for patients with IBD and support IBD nursing practice. The statements comprise several sections: Fundamental IBD Nursing, Advanced IBD Nursing, and The benefit of an IBD Nurse. The Statements are presented in English and are available via the ECCO webpage. In order to raise awareness of the Statements and allow the Statements to be used in IBD nursing practice in Denmark, we aimed to translate the statements and to evaluate how the translated version were used.


Translation of statements into Danish by a physician who also is a journalist. Supported by the last author of the Statements (Bager). Distribution of the Statements to the Danish Community of IBD nurses. Open e-survey asking IBD nurses about the Danish version. 


Translation were done in autumn 2020. Promotion and distribution were done in spring 2021. This included 2 video recordings explaining the aim of the statements and how they could be used. Furthermore, the statements became online via our national organisation for IBD-nurses.

The survey was launched in autumn 2021. As of November 22th. 2021, 16 nurses from across Denmark have responded. A large majority knew about the Danish version and aimed to use the Statements. However, implementation of the statements was delayed due to the covid-pandemic and a 10 weeks long strike among nurses in the summer of 2021. Furthermore, the responders highlighted the statements of most clinical importance. The top 5 most important statements were; 1) Fundamental IBD Nursing, 2) Impact of IBD on patients’ lives, 3) The Advanced IBD Nurse caring for complex patients, 4) The Advanced IBD Nursing assessment, and 5) Patient information and education.


Translation of the Second N-ECCO Consensus Statements into Danish was appreciated by IBD nurses in Denmark. A majority aimed to include the statements in the development of IBD nursing in clinical practice.