N23 Burnout among European IBD specialists – a survey supported by ECCO

Sánta, A.(1)*;Volosin, M.(2);Farkas, K.(1);Keresztes, C.(3);Rafael , B.(4);Molnár, T.(1);

(1)Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School- University of Szeged, Department of Medicine, Szeged, Hungary;(2)University of Szeged, Institute of Psychology, Szeged, Hungary;(3)Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School- University of Szeged, Department for Medical Communication and Translation Studies, Szeged, Hungary;(4)Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School- University of Szeged, Department of Preventive Medicine, Szeged, Hungary;


The aim of the study was to measure the level of burnout and the factors influencing it, as well as to analyse the personal and professional risk factors among European IBD professionals.


102 respondents (56.9% male, average age 48 (SD:10.6)) completed the questionnaire, which consisted of four different psychological constructs (burnout, depression, somatization and well-being), as well as sociodemographic, health-related and work-related factors.


In our study, 47.1% of IBD professionals showed burnout. For all three factors of burnout combined, 17.6% of participants scored at least in the moderate range. The highest rate of burnout factors was depersonalization (medium 48%; high 47.1%). 33.3% of the respondents reported decreased personal performance and 5.9% showed moderate emotional exhaustion. Depression, somatization and well-being correlated with emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, but only depression correlated with personal accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion correlated with age, physical activity and time spent in health care as an IBD specialists. Regression analysis showed that depression is the most important factor explaining both personal accomplishment (β=0.4599; p=0.006) and depersonalization (β=0.5692; p< .001). Among the work factors, endoscopic access and dedicated IBD outpatient unit had a negative effect on burnout. The opportunity to participate in multidisciplinary meetings was proved to be a clear anti-burnout factor.


The pilot study tends to draw the attention to the importance of burnout among IBD professionals in Europe, particularly in relation to depersonalization. Further studies may help uncover the role of underlying factors and provide a basis for international support and prevention programs.