P256 The practical use of an eHealth platform for inflammatory bowel disease patients: the validation of the IBD Tool web-based tele-monitoring system
Giuffrida, E.(1,2);Mangia, M.(1,3);Figini, V.(4);Carli, E.(1);Colombo, A.(1);Mendolaro, M.(1);Lavagna, A.(1);Lia, C.(5);Bonina, M.(5);Martínez De Carnero, F.(5);Morello, E.(1);Cosimato, M.(1);Rocca, R.(1);Pagna, G.(4,5);Daperno, M.(1);
(1)Mauriziano Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy, Torino, Italy;(2)"Rodolico - S. Marco" Policlinic Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Catania, Italy;(3)ASL TO4 Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, Ciriè, Italy;(4)LINKS Foundation, LINKS Foundation, Turin, Italy;(5)Polytechnic of Turin, Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy;
Tele-monitoring and eHealth tools are useful to monitor disease burden and activity in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We developed a web-based tele-monitoring platform (IBD Tool), in order to monitor granularly disease activity and impact on patients’ lives. Aim of this abstract is to report preliminary data on IBD Tool effectiveness.
Consecutive IBD patients were offered the access to the tele-monitoring platform (IBD Tool) as a part of an ongoing investigator-initiated observational study, overall 677 patients were enrolled between February and November 2021. Validated questionnaires administered on the platform captured disease activity [Harvey Bradshaw Index (HBI), Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index (SCCAI), Monitor IBD At Home Questionnaire for Crohn’s disease (CD) or for ulcerative colitis (UC): MIAH-CD or MIAH-UC] and disease burden and quality of life. Patients were randomized 1:1 to standard of care (only activity questionnaires required every 3-months) and telemedicine (activity questionnaires required monthly, remaining questionnaires every 3-months).
Out of 678 patients enrolled, 585 (87%) are active on the platform and filled overall 14,297 questionnaires during an average follow-up of 9.8 months, the mean number of questionnaires filled/patient was 24.9. Characteristics of the patient enrolled in the study are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of patients enrolled on the IBD Tool tele-monitoring platform and questionnaires filled

Among the 320 cases with 2 or more observations in the IBD Tool platform, it was possible to analyse disease activity variation (summarized as constant, amelioration, or worsening) according to SCCAI or HBI changes ±2 points, results are detailed in Table 2.
Table 2. Charateristics of patients constant, ameliorating or worsening in time.
Patients’ persistence in the tele-monitoring system is adequate; the systems offer granular and precise multidimensional evaluation of IBD patients.