P289 Biological therapies and the trajectories of biopsychological factors in inflammatory bowel diseases

P. Tavakoli1, U. Vollmer-Conna2, X. Vazquez Campos3, D. Hadzi-Pavlovic2, M. Grimm1

1Faculty of Medicine-St George and Sutherland Clinical School, UNSW Sydney Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2School of Psychiatry, UNSW Sydney Australia, Sydney, Australia, 3School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, UNSW Sydney Australia, Sydney, Australia


Therapeutic aims in IBDs are to induce remission through rapidly effective treatment. Conventional therapeutic methods including immunosuppression have been available for more than half a century with biological therapies the treatment of choice in patients who fail immunosuppressive drugs. There has been little attempt to longitudinally examine the differences in biopsychological factors and their associations with treatment modalities in IBD patients.


50 IBD participants (24 UC, 26 CD) in clinical remission were followed for 12 months. Complete longitudinal datasets including demography, disease status (HBI, Mayo score), monthly stool and blood samples for inflammatory biomarkers, monthly validated scores of psychological state, baseline physiological state and autonomic function were collected for analysis of association. Microbiome analysis was performed using V4 16SrRNA for identification of microbial phylogenetic relationships. Patients were grouped on whether or not they were in remission on biological agents.


CD: There was a larger magnitude of change in linear trends of anxiety (p = 0.007) in CD patients on non-biologic treatment. Quality of life (QOL), health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and faecal calprotectin measures were similar regardless of treatment. Longitudinal quadratic trends of CRP were significantly different between the two (p = 0.039) with the larger magnitude of change in non-biologic groups. CD patients had similar microbial profile when compared between two treatment groups. UC: Similar distributions of longitudinal psychological measures were found in two treatment groups, although results suggested significant linear trend (p = 0.019) in QOL scores but not with HRQOL. Faecal calprotectin had significant longitudinal linear trend (p = 0.016) with significant interaction between biologic therapy and this trend (p = 0.023). CRP had significant quadratic trend (p = 0.005) with strong interaction between biologic therapy and this trend (p = 0.009). Microbial α diversity was significantly different between two groups of treatments (Shannon; p = 0.041, evenness; p = 0.045) with biologic group having more diverse and more even microbial community.


Baseline biological and psychological factors were mostly similarly distributed between the two treatment options in remissive IBD patients, however biological therapy significantly influenced longitudinal trends of some psychological, inflammatory and microbiome dynamics, especially in UC. This suggests an underlying interrelationship between mode of treatment and biopsychological trajectories which might overshadow response to the treatment, requiring further assessment.