Report on the 2nd ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD at ECCO'22
Henit Yanai, EduCom Chair and Pascal Juillerat, e-Learning Ambassador
The second edition of the ECCO Postgraduate Course in IBD took place on February 17, 2022, on a virtual platform. The morning session reviewed patient management and treatment strategies, with contributions from numerous well-known speakers of ECCO, including the current and past presidents.
The afternoon session was an interactive discussion focusing on practical assessment and decision making while looking at clinical cases of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. This session was conducted by two teams of experts who highlighted the issues most relevant to the discussed scenarios. A dedicated faculty, supported by committed chairs and moderators from EduCom, made this second edition of the Postgraduate Course in IBD very successful!
Our audience came from 42 countries worldwide; we had 185 unique registrations with 847 distinct online logins to the interactive programme. We would like to thank all the attendees for their interest in this educational programme. We hope that the speakers answered most of the posted questions during the online sessions or shortly afterwards. The success of this edition of the course, which served to train hundreds of colleagues, offers us encouragement in renewing the programme and developing the third edition.
We thank the outstanding invested faculty and everyone who participated in the PGC for being such an incredible audience.
Best wishes,
Henit Yanai and Pascal Juillerat
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