Y-ECCO Members’ Address
Mark Samaan, Y-ECCO Chair
Dear Y-ECCO Friends,
I trust that you have all had at least some time for rest and relaxation over the summer. It has been an eventful time for the Y-ECCO Committee as well as the delegates and faculty who joined us for our second Y-ECCO Mentorship Forum in Vienna in July. I think it is fair to say that the event was a success, and we even managed a strike or two at the bowling ice-breaker event the evening before! If this sounds like something that may be of interest to you, I’d highly recommend reading the full write-up by Y-ECCO Committee Member, Gabriele Dragoni, in this edition of ECCO News. Our next Y-ECCO Mentorship Forum is planned for summer 2025 and, with your participation, it would be great to see the initiative continue to grow.
ECCO’24 abstract submission is now open (with a deadline of November 20) and I hope you are all planning your submissions as we speak. If you are a Y-ECCO Member and would like your abstract to be considered for Oral Presentation at our 10th Y-ECCO Science Workshop, please do tick the relevant box during the submission process. We would be delighted to welcome as many of you as possible, either as presenters or delegates, to the Workshop, which is due to run from 12:30 to 16:30 on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in Stockholm, just prior to the main congress. Of note, presentation at the Y-ECCO Basic Science Workshop would be in addition to a Poster Presentation in the main programme. Moreover, the top five abstracts with a Y-ECCO Member as presenting author will receive a Y-ECCO Abstract Award and free registration for the 20th Congress of ECCO 2025. Make sure you indicate whether you are eligible to be considered for this award – we very much look forward to reading your abstracts!
As with every edition of ECCO News, we have our regular features – Y-ECCO Literature Review and Interview Corner. Please do check these out and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to contribute. We would love to hear from you!
Best wishes,
Mark Samaan