Letters from the ECCO President

Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear ECCO Family,

As you know, we are aiming that the ECCO Congress will be a physical one and that it will take place on February 16–19, 2022 in Vienna. This will be the first physical international IBD conference since ECCO 2020! We felt that we could not take the risk of losing the ECCO Spirit. ECCO is in great shape, as you will see in this issue of ECCO News.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 16, Issue 4


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear ECCO Family,

I hope you had a wonderful summertime and could escape the pandemic for a few days. First of all, I would like to thank everybody who attended ECCO’21 Virtual - we had a stunning 6,798 participants from 104 countries. Thanks to your unconditional support, the ECCO Congress is Europe’s most important event in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. With 828 accepted abstracts, ECCO’21 once again presented the latest in science.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 16, Issue 3


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear Friends,

I hope that all ECCO Members will be vaccinated when reading this article except maybe a few Y-ECCO Members!

This is the second issue of ECCO News this year and the 16th Congress of ECCO is fastly approaching.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 16, Issue 2


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear Friends,

My first words and thoughts are for you. When we decided that ECCO’21 would be virtual, it was not an easy thing, believe me. And I know that it was probably also a big disappointment for you. However, we all have to take our responsabilities. ECCO is in our heart the most important thing, but the health of thousands of people cannot be put in danger. You will enjoy this format that will be unique and attractive, you can count on us. I really hope that it is the last time that we cannot share a beer and dance together.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 16, Issue 1


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear Friends,

I was hoping that the COVID pandemic would be over by the time I came to write this editorial. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The second wave has started, but there is some good news: we have the first vaccines. This means that we should all be able to meet in Copenhagen in July! I am predicting a big celebration there.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 15, Issue 4


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear ECCO IBD Community,

Dear ECCO Friends,

We are all facing the challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic. The numerous virtual meetings that are held every week have helped us to realise how important real interaction is in a community, and this is especially true for ECCO. This virus has forced us to develop virtual clinics that allow our patients to stay at home and reduce the disease burden. This is probably the only benefit of the pandemic.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 15, Issue 3


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear ECCO IBD Community,

Dear ECCO Friends,

During the past three months of the COVID-19 pandemic ECCO has intensively and carefully analysed measures of how to safely steer our ECCO activities through the upcoming year. ECCO would like to share some important information with you:

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 15, Issue 2


Letter from the ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet, ECCO President

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet


Dear ECCO Friends,

We are going through a hard time. The first cases of COVID-19 in Europe were reported during the ECCO Congress in Vienna. The world is facing a pandemic which is not easy to treat and for which the course cannot be predicted. As IBD physicians, we are used to manage a difficult disease but not a lockdown. The ECCO spirit will help us coping with social isolation, which is the opposite of the ECCO goal. Our organization will contribute to this fight by publishing weekly interviews of worldwide experts (link to interviews) telling us how to manage our patients and how to keep moving forward during this pandemic.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 15, Issue 1


Letter from the ECCO President

Silvio Danese, ECCO President

Silvio Danese


Dear ECCO Friends,

Our annual meeting is just around the corner!

ECCO 2020 in Vienna offers physicians, researchers, nurses and dietitians the opportunity to come together and reflect on our current landscapes in order to align our activities. The meeting will feature plenary sessions, poster sessions and collateral initiatives that merge evidence and experience to empower participants by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to provide the best outcomes for patients.

With this purpose in mind, ClinCom is organising several sessions during the upcoming ECCO Congress in Vienna, targeting clinicians, nurses and industry. The 5th Basic ECCO:EduCational COurse for Industry will aim to provide a state of the art introduction to IBD for both corporate and non-corporate members and the 7th ClinCom Workshop will focus on two hot topics in the world of IBD clinical trials.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 14, Issue 4


Letter from the ECCO President

Silvio Danese, ECCO President

Silvio Danese
Silvio Danese

Dear ECCO Friends,


Research and education are priorities in the ECCO Community. Autumn is a great time for exciting new ECCO events and is the perfect time to start planning your attendance at the ECCO’20 Congress in Vienna.

Considering the success of the ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop at ECCO’19, I am happy to announce that the 2nd ECCO-ESGAR Basic Imaging Workshop will be held during ECCO’20. The focus of this workshop will be the latest imaging technologies in IBD.

Education can also be achieved through intense collaborative projects. The 18th ECCO IBD Intensive Advanced Course will take place during ECCO’20 and will provide a multidisciplinary broad base of knowledge in IBD. Moreover, the 5th IBD National Study Group Meeting will also be held during ECCO’20, enabling investigators to have their studies challenged and promoted at the same time.

Posted in ECCO News, Letters from the ECCO President, Volume 14, Issue 3