Congress News

Report on the 3rd ECCO Endoscopy Workshop at ECCO'18

Giovanni Maconi, EduCom Member

Giovanni Maconi
Giovanni Maconi

Participating speakers and chairs: Simon Travis (United Kingdom), Raf Bisschops (Belgium), Raya Atreya (Germany), Peter Irving (United Kingdom), James Lindsay (United Kingdom), Matthieu Allez (France), Massimo Fantini (Italy) and Peter Lakatos (Hungary)

The ECCO Endoscopy Workshop reached its 3rd edition in 2018 and has become a mainstay of the educational activities of ECCO. The workshop was organised by the Educational Committee (EduCom) and was designed to meet the needs of IBD specialists with some experience in endoscopy. 

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, EduCom, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


Report on the 16th IBD Intensive Advanced Course at ECCO'18

Pascal Juillerat, EduCom Member

Pascal Juillerat
Pascal Juillerat

The 16th Intensive Advanced IBD Course took place before the ECCO meeting as the highlight of the educational program which runs in conjunction with the conference.

This well-known course, which has been an a staple of the ECCO Congress almost since the beginning of ECCO, took place once again with a full attendance from Europe and abroad. Overall, 82 doctors attended the course from 37 countries and were treated to a comprehensive update on IBD.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, EduCom, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


Report on the 4th EpiCom Workshop at ECCO'18

Naila Arebi, EpiCom Member

Naila Arebi
Naila Arebi © ECCO

An introduction to pharmaco-epidemiology: How to interpret real world data for clinical practice 


The Epidemiological Committee (EpiCom) organised their 4th workshop at the ECCO’18 Congress in Vienna.  Delegates were welcomed by Ebbe Langholz, who introduced the sessions with a short video on the UR-CARE database to illustrate the importance of databases and their potential across Europe. 

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Congress News, ECCO'18, EpiCom, Volume 13, Issue 1


Report on the 6th ClinCom Workshop at ECCO’18

John Mansfield, ClinCom Member

John Mansfield
John Mansfield

The 6th ClinCom Workshop focussed on two current themes in IBD research: Evolving endpoints in clinical trials and comparative effectiveness research (CER).

Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet (Nancy, France) described the drivers that have led to the move from Crohn’s Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and Mayo scores to patient-reported outcomes (PROs) that just record clinical symptoms. The ultimate therapeutic goal is not only to reduce symptoms but also to return the patient to a normal life without disability. For Ulcerative Colitis (UC) the PRO uses rectal bleeding and stool frequency scores from the Mayo score, while for Crohn’s Disease (CD) abdominal pain and stool frequency scores are used. Many clinical trials also aim to show resolution of mucosal inflammation so endoscopic scores are frequently being used as co-primary endpoints with symptom scores. Some problems with PROs remain to be settled, especially the cut-off values for active disease, response and remission, and also the variability of patients’ assessment of loose stools and rectal bleeding.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Congress News, ClinCom, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


Report on the 6th SciCom Workshop at ECCO'18

Shomron Ben-Horin and Michael Scharl, SciCom Members

Shomron Ben Horin
Shomron Ben-Horin
Michael Scharl3
Michael Scharl

Fat in IBD – Much more than an innocent bystander 

Within the framework of the 6th SciCom Workshop, the role of fat and lipids in IBD pathogenesis was highlighted. Six highly interesting talks shed light on the fact that fat is much more than an innocent bystander in IBD.

Posted in ECCO News, SciCom, Committee News, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


Abstract Awards at the 13th Congress of ECCO

Another record number of abstracts has been submitted for the 13th Congress of ECCO. Out of 1,366 submitted scientific abstracts, 1,012 abstracts have been accepted.

Of these abstracts, 38 have been selected as Oral Presentations during the Scientific Programme and another 80 were selected as Digital Oral Presentations. Each of these presentations was reviewed by ECCO Committee Members in order to select the winners of the Top 10 DOPs, IIS Abstract Awards, and the Y-ECCO Abstract Awards.

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


The 13th Congress of ECCO in numbers

6,676 delegates attended the 13th Congress of ECCO in Vienna

The 13th Congress of ECCO – Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2018, which was held on February 14-17, 2018 in Vienna, Austria, attracted a total number of 6,676 delegates from 86 different countries. Since the inaugural ECCO Congress in 2006 in Amsterdam, at which there were 350 delegates, participant numbers have steadily increased, as shown in the graph below:

Congress Participation
ECCO Congress participation 2006-2018 © ECCO

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 13, Issue 1


ECCO’18 – Come to Vienna for IBD!

02 Congress Banner


The 13th Congress of ECCO in Vienna is coming closer and so is the late registration deadline. Benefit from the late registration fee by registering up until January 31, 2018 (after this date the onsite registration fees will apply).


Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'18, Volume 12, Issue 4