Nick Powell © ECCO
ECCO is proud of its continuing commitment to support innovative IBD research through its Fellowships, Grants and Travel Awards, including our flagship Pioneer Awards. Our grant programme now extends beyond the borders of Europe with the emergence of our new Global Grant supporting IBD research for low and lower-middle income countries. All of these research efforts continue to improve our understanding of IBD and change outcomes for our patients. None of this would be possible without our community of grant reviewers who provide an invaluable scientific service to the ECCO Family and the broader field of IBD. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our growing reviewer network of more than 500 experts, who have reviewed over 750 applications.
In this issue of the ECCO Newsletter we really wanted to highlight two “super reviewers”, Amy Lightner and Hannah Gordon, who have gone above and beyond the call of duty and delivered the highest overall number of reviews. Thank you both! To better understand the peer review process, what motivates reviewers and why potential reviewers in the ECCO Community might want to get involved in the process, I caught up with Amy and Hannah.