Sebastian Zeissig © ECCO
During the ECCO’20 Vienna Congress, the Scientific Committee cordially welcomed Konstantinos Papamichail and Yves Panis as new members of SciCom.
Konstantinos Papamichail has been an ECCO Member since 2007 and has participated in several ECCO Activities, including the 7th ECCO Advanced Course and the ECCO ‘EXIT strategies’ Topical Review. He is a reviewer of the ECCO Grants and also a member of the editorial board of JCC. After completing his PhD in Pharmacology and his GI Fellowship in Greece, Kostas joined the Leuven IBD group as a post-doctoral researcher for 3 years and was also a recipient of an ECCO Fellowship. For the last 5 years he has been working at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where his research has focussed on the role of therapeutic drug monitoring of biologics in IBD. He is the author of numerous publications and his goal is to stimulate scientific interactions in the ECCO Community and beyond and to interact with the other ECCO Committees in order to promote and support national and international IBD research efforts towards the better care of patients with IBD.