Congress News

ECCO News Editors’ Summary of the top 10 DOPs at ECCO'21 Virtual

Ignacio Catalán-Serra and Nuha Yassin, ECCO News Associate Editors

Ignacio Catalán-Serra
© Ignacio Catalán-Serra

Nuha Yassin 

Dear ECCO friends,

First, we would like to thank you all for making the 16th Congress of ECCO Virtual a great success.

The Virtual Congress Platform worked very efficiently, allowing top-quality online scientific sessions with lots of interaction and discussions and the participation of a very high number of ECCO Members from all over the world. Our Scientific Programme this year was centered around the topic “IBD Precise”, highlighting new advances in pathogenesis, diagnostics and novel therapies that are enabling progress towards customised treatment for IBD patients.

Luckily, the current situation is allowing the ECCO Office Team to make the necessary preparations to hold the upcoming 17th Congress of ECCO on-site in Vienna in February 2022. There, the usual high-quality scientific and educational content will be complemented by a fantastic social and networking programme.

For your convenience, below we provide summaries of the top 10 winning Digital Oral Presentations (DOP) from the 16th Congress.

We wish you a great return from your holidays and look forward to meeting you in person in Vienna!

Best wishes,

Ignacio and Nuha

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 16, Issue 3


The 16th Congress of ECCO in numbers

6,798 delegates attended the 16th Congress of ECCO Virtual

The 16th Congress of ECCO Virtual – Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021, held on July 2-3 & 8-10, 2021, attracted a total number of 6,798 delegates from 104 different countries. Since the inaugural ECCO Congress in 2006 in Amsterdam, at which there were 350 delegates, participant numbers have steadily increased, as shown in the graph below. Despite the COVID-19 outbreak in the beginning of 2020, we are happy that this high number of delegates had the chance to participate in the ECCO’21 Virtual Congress.

ECCO Congress participation 2006-2021 © ECCO

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 16, Issue 3


Pharmacokinetics of anti-TNFα agents in paediatric IBD: Is there any difference at all compared with adults?

Amit Assa, P-ECCO Member

Amit Assa 

Anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) therapy is frequently used in the treatment of Crohn’s Disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC) in both adult and paediatric patients. Nevertheless, primary or secondary treatment failure of anti-TNFα treatment is not uncommon [1]. Both primary and secondary treatment failures are attributed either to pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and immunogenic factors or to adverse events in response to the specific agent [2]. In recent years, loss of response (LOR) during anti-TNFα treatment has commonly been approached through the use of therapeutic drug monitoring involving measurement of infliximab or adalimumab trough concentrations (TC) and anti-drug antibodies (ADAs). Therapeutic drug monitoring of anti-TNFα agents enables proper stratification of LOR into a specific type of LOR, with corresponding adjustment of treatment. In children, in line with findings in adults, it has consistently been shown that higher drug TC is associated with higher efficacy [3] and that LOR is most commonly attributable to either low TC or the development of anti-drug antibodies [4].

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Congress News, P-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 2


ECCO'21 Virtual - Scientific and Educational Programme

The educational programme of the 16th Congress of ECCO is scheduled one week prior to the official start of the ECCO Congress and all educational courses take place from July 2-3, 2021. These activities target ECCO’s different interest groups including young gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists, IBD Nurses, dietitians, allied health professionals and scientists.

The scientific programme will be held from July 8-10, 2021 including Digital Oral Presentations. In addition we are pleased to announce that the titles of the abstract oral presentations are already included in the online programme.

An overview of these activities can be found below. In order to get more information please click on the respective course link. For ECCO'21 Virtual overlapping courses can be watched on-demand until end of October 2021. It is foreseen, that delegates who registered for educational courses and/or the scientific programme can claim their CME credits also for on-demand content. We encourage you to register at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to welcoming you at the 16th Congress of ECCO Virtual!

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 16, Issue 2


8th P-ECCO Educational Course at ECCO' 21

David Wilson, P-ECCO Chair

David Wilson

Although the relationship between IBD and nutrition is of longstanding interest, the attention paid to it has increased dramatically in recent years, with the inclusion of nutritional interventions in ECCO Guidelines on both paediatric and adult Crohn’s Disease (and of course many other IBD guidelines), bespoke publications such as the ECCO perioperative dietary therapy topical review and a flowering of clinical interest in Crohn’s Disease-specific diets.

This clinical interest in nutritional issues in IBD is also reflected in the exceptional interest in a December 2020 educational article in the UEG Journal “Mistakes in…” series, namely “Mistakes in nutrition in IBD and how to avoid them” by the ECCO Members Joe Meredith, Kostas Gerasimidis and Richard Russell ( Basic and translational scientific studies of the pathogenesis of IBD have increasingly evaluated the role of nutrition and particularly its interaction with the microbiome.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Congress News, P-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 1


ECCO'21 Virtual - Final Scientific and Educational Programme & ECCO'22 - Preliminary Programme

The educational programme of the 16th Congress of ECCO is scheduled one week prior to the official start of the ECCO Congress and all educational courses take place from July 2-3, 2021. These activities target ECCO’s different interest groups including young gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists, IBD Nurses, dietitians, allied health professionals and scientists.

The scientific programme will be held from July 8-10, 2021 including Digital Oral Presentations.

An overview of these activities can be found below. In order to get more information please click on the respective course link. For ECCO'21 Virtual overlapping courses can be watched on-demand until end of October 2021. It is foreseen, that delegates who registered for educational courses and/or the scientific programme can claim their CME credits also for on-demand content. We encourage you to register at your earliest convenience.

In addition we are pleased to present already the preliminary programme of the 17th Congress of ECCO in Stockholm  February 23-26, 2022 below.

We look forward to welcoming you at the 16th Congress of ECCO Virtual!

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'22, ECCO'21, Volume 16, Issue 1


16th Congress of ECCO 2021 Virtual: Overview of Scientific and Educational Programmes

Nuha Yassin and Ignacio Catalán-Serra, ECCO News Associate Editors

Nuha Yassin 
© Nuha Yassin
Ignacio Catalán Serra 2019
Ignacio Catalán-Serra
© Ignacio Catalán-Serra

Dear IBD colleagues and friends,

Warm greetings from the ECCO News Team at the beginning of 2021, after a very challenging year.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone in one way or another, we at ECCO have been adapting to the new circumstances.  The ECCO Team have been working hard to continue to uphold the highest standards of care for IBD patients and to provide high-quality research, education and training opportunities.

We have some important announcements to make. Due to the uncertainty over the COVID-19 situation in Europe and around the world, the ECCO Governing Board, in collaboration with the ECCO Office, have taken the very important decision to move from a face-to-face ECCO’21 Congress to a virtual ECCO’21 Congress in order to be able to guarantee deliverability and ensure safety for our ECCO Colleagues and Friends.

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 16, Issue 1


COVID-19 and Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

David Wilson, P-ECCO Chair

David Wilson

Since the first reports in Wuhan, China in December 2019, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in over 40 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally with over 1 million deaths within just 10 months. Economies have been shattered, routine healthcare has been severely disrupted, and restrictions have been imposed on travel and social and family life in a previously unthinkable manner.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Congress News, P-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 4


16th Congress of ECCO - Preliminary Educational Programme with speaker names

The educational programme of the 16th Congress of ECCO is scheduled prior to the official start of the ECCO Congress and courses take place from July 7-9, 2021. These activities target ECCO’s different interest groups including young gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists, IBD Nurses, dietitians, allied health professionals and scientists.

An overview of these activities can be found below. Please note that courses/workshops may run concurrently. As these educational activities have a limited capacity, we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience.

We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 15, Issue 4


16th Congress of ECCO, 2021: Overview of the Scientific and Educational Programmes

Nuha Yassin and Ignacio Catalán-Serra, ECCO News Associate Editors

Nuha Yassin 
© Nuha Yassin
Ignacio Catalán Serra 2019
Ignacio Catalán-Serra
© Ignacio Catalán-Serra

Dear IBD colleagues and friends,

Warm greetings from the ECCO News Team as we head towards the end of this challenging year.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone in one way or another, we at ECCO have been adapting to the new circumstances.  The ECCO Team has been working hard to continue to provide not only the best standards of care for IBD patients but also high-quality research, education and training opportunities.

ECCO has taken up the challenge of organising yet another top quality meeting, which on this occasion will be held a little later than our usual conference dates. We would like to invite you to the 16th Congress of ECCO in Copenhagen in July of 2021, during the beautiful Danish summer!

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, Volume 15, Issue 4