
Introduction of Caroline Nordenvall as new S-ECCO Member

Omar Faiz, S-ECCO Committee Chair

Omar Faiz

Caroline Nordenvall has recently joined the S-ECCO Committee. She works at the Karolinska University Hospital as an IBD surgeon and is head of the research group in colorectal surgery. She is an Associate Professor within the University.

Caroline Nordenvall
© Caroline Nordenvall

Caroline is the PI of the CRUISE study (Colectomy and Reconstruction in Ulcerative colitis In Sweden and England study), a multicentre study in collaboration with three Swedish centres and St Marks Hospital (England). This is a clinical preference study that has the aim of comparing QoL and functional outcome following restorative surgery with ileal pouch anal anastomosis or ileorectal anastomosis. She is also the PI of the TRIOCOL trial, a clinical study evaluating colectomy vs continued advanced medical treatment in patients with Ulcerative Colitis.

Caroline is the author of the Swedish National Guidelines for IBD care and a member of the steering committee for the Swedish Quality Registers for both IBD and colorectal cancer. She has vast experience in colorectal epidemiology and is chair for two large national register linkages originating from the Swedish Quality Register for IBD and the Swedish Quality Register for colorectal cancer. These linkages have made it possible to continuously elevate clinically relevant research questions on a national level.

We are delighted to welcome Caroline to the S-ECCO Committee. She has already made a substantial contribution and will no doubt be a major contributor to the wider organisation in the future.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, S-ECCO, Volume 19, Issue 2