
Interview with ECCO's new Secretary

Nuha Yassin, ECCO News Associate Editor

Nuha Yassin

Dear ECCO friends and colleagues,

Welcome to this issue of ECCO News and our new installment of the editorial officers' interview corner.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to Professor Alessandro Armuzzi, the new Secretary of ECCO.

Prof Armuzzi is the IBD lead and a professor of Gastroenterology at the Agostino Gemelli polyclinic, Catholic University Foundation in Rome, Italy. He has a very rich background and it was a delightful interview that I'm sure you'll enjoy. This time we wanted to put a face to the voice and background and have therefore recorded the interview for you to be able to watch at your leisure.

During the interview, Prof Armuzzi shares his personal and professional background as well as his vision and ambitions for his new role within ECCO. We hope that you enjoy our new format and this therapeutically energetic interview with our new Secretary.

Best Wishes

Nuha Yassin

Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

ECCO News Associate Editor

Posted in ECCO News, Volume 16, Issue 3