ECCO News keeps ECCO Members up-to-date on what is going on within the organisation and reports on IBD activities taking place within Europe. Since Spring 2006, ECCO News has maintained the flow of information between Members of the organisation. 

ECCO News is an important part of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation’s ambition to create a European standard of IBD care and to promote knowledge and research in the field of IBD. 

Editor & Associate Editors

Edouard Louis

Nuha Yassin

Ignacio Catalán-Serra

Brigida Barberio

Spyros Siakavellas

Latest ECCO News Content


Introduction of Caroline Nordenvall as new S-ECCO Member

Omar Faiz, S-ECCO Committee Chair

Omar Faiz

Caroline Nordenvall has recently joined the S-ECCO Committee. She works at the Karolinska University Hospital as an IBD surgeon and is head of the research group in colorectal surgery. She is an Associate Professor within the University.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 19, Issue 2, S-ECCO


The role of diet in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Emma Halmos, D-ECCO Committee Member, Hannah Gordon, GuiCom Chair and Richard Hansen, P-ECCO Committee Member

Emma Halmos
Hannah Gordon
Richard Hansen

Diet in Inflammatory Bowel Disease has become a hot topic in recent years, pushed forward by advances in our understanding of the microbiome and the promise of nutrition as therapy, particularly in Crohn’s Disease. One of the most important questions in clinic (and yet the hardest to answer) remains “What can I eat?” or variations of the same. The reason this question is so difficult to answer is the enormous complexity in how diet overlays IBD and also the lack of high-quality scientific studies addressing this specific problem.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 19, Issue 2, GuiCom, P-ECCO, D-ECCO


Introducing two new N-ECCO Committee Members

Simona Radice, N-ECCO Committe Chair, Maria de Jong, Cathy Walsh, N-ECCO Committee Members

Simona Radice
Maria de Jong
Cathy Walsh

Two new members joined the N-ECCO Committee in February 2024: Maria de Jong from the Netherlands and Cathy Walsh from Ireland. We all share the same mission: promoting IBD nursing in Europe, rolling out educational and research programmes, and developing patient care and education. We are looking forward to working together, and here Maria and Cathy introduce themselves and their aims while on the committee.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 19, Issue 2, N-ECCO


Letter from the e-Learning Ambassador

Pascal Juillerat, e-Learning Ambassador

Pascal Juillerat 

Dear ECCO Members,

I am delighted to share some exciting updates regarding our e-Learning platform. As we embrace the vibrant seasons of spring and summer, I encourage you to take advantage of the latest content we have recently added to the e-Library, including the latest Abstracts and Presentations from the ECCO’24 Congress.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, EduCom, Volume 19, Issue 2


EpiCom welcomes new faces and salutes outgoing members

Sophie Restellini, EpiCom Chair

Sophie Restellini

Change is the engine that propels scientific progress, and within this dynamic, committees evolve. As members transition, embracing fresh perspectives, the spirit of innovation flourishes, shaping the path ahead. Amidst this journey, EpiCom is pleased to introduce Paul Henderson while bidding farewell to Julien Kirchgesner.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 19, Issue 2, EpiCom


Coordinating research opportunities across geographies

María Chaparro, ClinCom Chair, Murat Toruner and Julien Kirchgesner, ClinCom Members

María Chaparro
Murat Toruner
Julien Kirchgesner

During the last ECCO’24 Congress in Stockholm, the ECCO Governing Board announced the new strategy REACH. The REACH strategy is the acronym of five clear goals to shape the current and future ECCO activities for the next years, better defining and expanding ECCO global mission to improve the care for all IBD patients.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ClinCom, Volume 19, Issue 2


Unveiling the unknown – genetic and environmental risk factors for IBD in Sub-Saharan Africa

Bella Ungar, SciCom Member

Bella Ungar

The first ECCO Global Grant was awarded at ECCO'24 to an international group leading a fascinating prospective study across Sub-Saharan Africa1. The study is focusing on IBD genetics in the region and is being led by Professor Nick Croft and Dr. Phoebe Hodges from Queen Mary University of London, Professor Paul Kelly and colleagues from the Tropical Gastroenterology and Nutrition Group, University of Zambia and Professor McGovern and his group at Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles. I had the privilege of discussing aspects of the study with members of the study consortium.

Posted in ECCO News, SciCom, Committee News, Volume 19, Issue 2


Call for Participants: The 23rd IBD Intensive Course for Trainees

IBD Intensive Course for Trainees

The 23rd ECCO IBD Intensive Course for Trainees designed for residents, fellows in gastroenterology and junior faculty will take place in Berlin, Germany, on February 19, 2025, immediately prior to our next Congress. We are pleased to inform you that the preliminary programme for this course is already available.

Posted in ECCO News, EduCom, Congress News, Volume 19, Issue 2


Call for Participants: The 16th N-ECCO School

N-ECCO School

At the 20th Congress of ECCO in Stockholm, the Nurses of ECCO (N-ECCO) will host the educational activity for IBD Nurses, N-ECCO School, for the 16th time. ECCO intends to give nurses, who might be still in training and have an interest in IBD, the possibility to attend an IBD-focused course. The ultimate aim of this programme is to improve nurse education throughout Europe.

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, Volume 19, Issue 2, N-ECCO


ECCO'25 - Preliminary Scientific and Educational Programmes

The Educational Programme of the 20th Congress of ECCO starts prior to the official start of the ECCO Congress and courses take place from February 19-21, 2025. These activities target ECCO’s different interest groups including young gastroenterologists, surgeons, paediatricians, pathologists, IBD Nurses, dietitians, allied health professionals and scientists.

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, Volume 19, Issue 2