Switzerland |
Name of group: IBDnet (www.ibdnet.ch) The IBDnet is a Swiss interest group of medical doctors and scientists specialising in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The aim is the promotion of research and communication on aetiology, diagnosis and therapy in order to improve patient outcomes.
Number of active members: Switzerland has roughly 475 gastroenterologists and hepatologists, 350 of whom are located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland and 125 in the French- and Italian-speaking parts. The IBDnet has 93 members, with a Steering Committee of 17 IBD specialists.
Number of meetings per year:
- Steering Committee Meetings: 4 per year, 1 General Assembly per year
- Educational Meetings: One or two major (2- or 3-day meetings, postgraduate course) and eight to ten minor ones (half-day meetings)
- Expert Meetings: The IBDnet organises one expert meeting per year to develop Swiss expert recommendations.
- Patient Relations: The IBDnet broadly supports patient events organised by the patient association SMCCV/ASMCC (four to six annually). Most speakers at these patient information events are IBDnet Steering Committee members. Furthermore, in collaboration with the patient association, IBDnet develops and releases patient information guidebooks.
President: Stephan Vavricka
Secretary: Pierre Michetti
National Representatives: Pierre Michetti and Frank Seibold
Joined ECCO in: Switzerland was among the founding countries of ECCO.
Incidence of IBD in the country (if available): IBD incidence is estimated to be 2 cases per 1,000 persons per year.