Name of group: The Norwegian IBD Group
Number of active members: The Norwegian IBD Group is organised within the Norwegian Gastroenterology Association (Norsk GastroenterologiskForening NGF). The Norwegian Gastroenterology Association has 370 active members. The IBD Group consists of 8 members elected at the Norwegian Gastroenterology Association general assembly (four members elected every second year). Approximately 100 members are active within IBD care.
Additionally,the Norwegian Nurses Organization includes a group for Gastroenterology Nurses (NSF/FSG) with 439 active members, of whom approximately 100 IBD Nurses. There is no formal IBD Nurse network but NSF/FSG arranges a yearly national IBD symposium for nurses interested in IBD.
Number of meetings per year: The IBD Group arranges a national IBD symposium annually. The Norwegian Gastroenterology Association has one national conference and one to two regional meetings in the five different health regions in Norway per year. The NSF/FSG arranges a yearly national IBD symposium for nurses interested in IBD.
President and Secretary:President the Norwegian Gastroenterology Association is Mette Vesterhus, associate professor at Haraldsplass Hospital in Bergen. Petr Ricanek MD, PhD at Akershus university hospital, is head of the IBD Group
National Representatives:Marte Lie Høivik MD PhD at Oslo University Hospital and Kristin Kaasen Jørgensen, MD PhD at Akershus university hospital. Elisabeth Finnes, IBD nurse specialist at Oslo University Hospital is the Norwegian representative in N-ECCO.
Joined ECCO in: 2005
Incidence of IBD in the country: There are no updated incidence numbers available in Norway. According to data from the IBSEN study the UC incidence was 12,8/100.000 persons/year and CD incidence 6/100.000 persons per year in the early nineties. We are awaiting updated incidence data from the ongoing IBSEN III study within 2020.