ECCO News keeps ECCO Members up-to-date on what is going on within the organisation and reports on IBD activities taking place within Europe. Since Spring 2006, ECCO News has maintained the flow of information between Members of the organisation. 

ECCO News is an important part of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation’s ambition to create a European standard of IBD care and to promote knowledge and research in the field of IBD. 

Editor & Associate Editors

Edouard Louis

Brigida Barberio

Spyros Siakavellas

Tauseef Sharip

Latest ECCO News Content


Y-ECCO Literature Review: Dean Seah

Dean Seah

Guselkumab plus golimumab combination therapy versus guselkumab or golimumab monotherapy in patients with ulcerative colitis (VEGA): A randomised, double-blind, controlled, phase 2, proof-of-concept trial

Feagan BG, Sands BE, Sandborn WJ, et al.

Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2023;8:307–20.

Dean Seah 
© Dean Seah 


Despite a growing armamentarium of advanced therapies for Ulcerative Colitis (UC), fewer than 40% of patients maintain clinical remission at 12 months [1]. Combination therapy utilising dual biologic or small molecule agents can be considered in highly selected, medically refractory cases; however, robust data to support dual therapy in routine clinical practice are still lacking [2]. Inhibitors of TNF-α and IL-23 have demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of UC [3,4]. Data emerging from animal studies have suggested that their use in combination reduces colitis synergistically and may be more efficacious than treatment with either monotherapy [5].

This randomised double-blinded controlled phase 2 trial, named the VEGA trial, was conducted across 54 sites internationally and aimed to determine the efficacy and safety of combination therapy with guselkumab (GUS), an IL-23 p19 antagonist, plus golimumab (GOL), a TNF-α inhibitor, compared with either monotherapy in UC.

Posted in ECCO News, Y-ECCO Literature Reviews, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, Y-ECCO


Y-ECCO Literature Review: Andrea Centritto

Andrea Centritto

Point-of-care intestinal ultrasound in IBD patients: Disease management and diagnostic yield in a real-world cohort and proposal of a point-of-care algorithm

Bots S, De Voogd F, De Jong M, et al.

J Crohns Colitis 2022;16:606–615.

Andrea Centritto
© Andrea Centritto


Intestinal ultrasound (IUS) is an inexpensive, non-invasive, safe and repeatable, dynamic cross-sectional imaging technique for IBD. It has been demonstrated to be accurate and reliable both for initial diagnosis of IBD and for follow-up monitoring [1]. Huge advantages of IUS are that it does not need any prior preparation of the patient and provides a real-time result. IUS can be performed in various hospital settings, which makes it the only point-of-care (POC) imaging technique available today [2].

The impact of POC IUS on daily decision making and the evolution in its use over the years were evaluated in this retrospective study, which included two consecutive cohorts of IBD patients in a real-world outpatient setting. The first cohort of patients, included between January 2016 and July 2018, was compared with a second cohort collected between October 2019 and December 2019.

Posted in ECCO News, Y-ECCO Literature Reviews, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, Y-ECCO


Y-ECCO Literature Review: Alice Moore

Alice Moore

Withdrawal of infliximab or concomitant immunosuppressant therapy in patients with Crohn’s disease on combination therapy (SPARE): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial

Louis E, Resche-Rigon M, Laharie D, et al; GETAID and the SPARE-Biocycle research group

Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2023;8:215–27.

Alice Moore
© Alice Moore


Therapeutic strategies for Crohn’s Disease have evolved over the past decade, with mounting evidence that achieving deep remission (defined as clinical, biochemical and endoscopic remission) is associated with better long-term outcomes [1, 2]. Combination therapy with infliximab and azathioprine has been shown to be superior to either infliximab or azathioprine monotherapy in achieving clinical remission and endoscopic healing in azathioprine-naive patients, thus supporting the paradigm of early disease management and the use of treatment combinations to increase treatment success [3]. Concerns regarding the implications of long-term combination therapy, such as infections and lymphoproliferative disorders, have provided the rationale for a formal clinical trial of treatment de-escalation.

The aim of this trial was to compare the relapse rate and the time spent in remission over 2 years between patients continuing combination therapy and those stopping infliximab or immunosuppressant therapy.

Posted in ECCO News, Y-ECCO Literature Reviews, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, Y-ECCO


Report on the 9th Y-ECCO Basic Science Workshop

Gabriele Dragoni, Y-ECCO Member

Gabriele Dragoni

After two consecutive virtual events, the Y-ECCO Basic Science Workshop was back with a face-to-face meeting, reaching its 9th edition on March 1, 2023, in Copenhagen.

This Workshop aims to involve young fellows in a fully comprehensive manner, giving them the opportunity to present relevant data that were submitted for the scientific programme and discuss their views with successful key opinion leaders in the field of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), with special focus on basic and translational research. All sessions open with a hot topic presented by an invited senior specialist, followed by excellent presentations by selected young researchers. The secret of the constant success of this initiative is the friendly atmosphere, which allows participating Y-ECCO Members to increase their knowledge while also preparing for more challenging stages.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, Y-ECCO


Y-ECCO Members’ Address

Mark Samaan, Y-ECCO Chair

Mark Samaan

Dear Y-ECCO Friends,

I do hope you all enjoyed the ECCO Congress in Copenhagen and made the most of the opportunity to “get physical” again for the first time in too long! I’m sure many will agree that, although virtual conferencing has its positives, much of what makes ECCO such a special organisation to be part of can only be fully realised in person. The fact that this year’s meeting was the first in-person ECCO Congress since before the pandemic only added to the sense of excitement, and the meeting’s content did not disappoint. As is often the case, contributions from Y-ECCO Members made up a sizeable proportion of the original research presented: 58 oral presentations were selected to be presented by Y-ECCO Members and a total of ten Y-ECCO Members were awarded prizes. This again underscores the essential role played by Y-ECCO within ECCO, as a new generation of IBD experts are ushered in. 

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, Y-ECCO


Report on the 8th H-ECCO IBD Masterclass at ECCO’23

Ann Driessen, H-ECCO Chair

Ann Driessen

After two years of virtual meetings, the main goal of the 18th ECCO Congress, held in Copenhagen (March 1–4, 2023), was “Let’s get physical”. During this conference we enjoyed the face-to-face interaction, which provided a positive boost to the 8th H-ECCO Masterclass. The aim of our meeting was not only to discuss the histopathological aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease but also to demonstrate the interaction between the different specialisms, which reflects the multidisciplinary collaboration in our daily practice.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'23, Volume 18, Issue 1, H-ECCO


Report on the 12th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass

Pär Myrelid, S-ECCO Chair

Pär Myrelid

The 18th ECCO Congress and 12th S-ECCO IBD Masterclass provided many of us with the opportunity finally to meet in real life and delivered much new knowledge and numerous new insights. This year’s Masterclass was opened by Christianne Buskens, who in a very distinct manner showed us what kind of effect the pandemic and all virtual meetings have had on us by showing a picture from last year’s virtual meeting (we all looked terribly concerned and sad). This can be compared with a picture from this year’s meeting, where good old friends reunited to discuss IBD.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'23, Congress News, S-ECCO, Volume 18, Issue 1


Report on the 8th D-ECCO Workshop at ECCO'23

Chen Sarbagili Shabat, D-ECCO Member

Chen Sarbagili Shabat 

After a long hiatus, the 18th ECCO Congress finally took place in person and face-to-face, which was very exciting. The 8th D-ECCO Workshop was full, with attendees including not only dietitians but also a great mix of specialists from all around the world. There were three Workshop sessions, on “Food science: there is more than EEN for Crohn’s Disease”, “Practical and clinical advice for the IBD dietitian” and “Psychological aspects of dietary management in IBD”. Apart from these sessions, great discussions were hosted and participated in by D-ECCO Committee Members and external speakers, and the D-ECCO Grant and Travel Awards were handed out.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, Volume 18, Issue 1, D-ECCO


Report on the 14th N-ECCO School at ECCO'23

Miriam Ganon, ECCO Member

Miriam Ganon

The N-ECCO School ran for the first time in 2010. Its aim is to deliver knowledge on basic aspects of IBD in a clear and precise manner in order to enable nurses and those with an interest in the subject to provide better support to IBD patients throughout Europe and beyond. In addition, the N-ECCO School has come to serve as a great networking opportunity for both nurses and dietitians, allowing them to share experiences and plans for furtherance of their careers and demonstrating the importance of the MDT approach to IBD care.


Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'22, N-ECCO, Volume 18, Issue 1


New GuiCom Member introduction: Henit Yanai

Tim Raine, SciCom Member

Tim Raine 

In stepping down as the Chair of GuiCom, it is my absolute pleasure to welcome and introduce our newest member of the committee, Henit Yanai. Henit is the director of the IBD centre at the Rabin Medicine Centre in Petach Tikva, Israel and is also a faculty member at the Department of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease, Tel Aviv University. But in addition to her long and distinguished list of accomplishments, I’ve also had the pleasure of getting to know Henit through ECCO as a friend. Most recently, Henit was the Chair of the ECCO Educational Committee, which she led through the challenges and disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic. She has also previously served as the National Representative to ECCO for Israel. She has organised the ECCO Advanced Course, where generations of the brightest and best of new IBD talent have benefited from her dynamic leadership and teaching.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, GuiCom, Volume 18, Issue 1